Thursday, June 20, 2024

Recent Times

I trust you’ve all been enjoying the heat wave as much as I have been, although I see that not everyone has had the dubious pleasure. Apparently, there has been cold out in western Canada, and it has even snowed in eastern Alberta, I have also read about rain in other places. Meanwhile, it has been very hot for four days here. We set the AC at 24C/75F and do our best. 

We’ve watched a lot of telly. We finished Bosch on Crave and them switched to Bosch Legacy on Prime. We hadn’t watched Prime much recently and were not overly pleased with the commercials. Sue mutes them: “You can make me watch, but you can’t make me listen.” We’ve been too spoiled by streaming, including by Prime in the past. I do understand, however, that Prime is in dire straits and only made $139 bazillion in profits last year. 

I have walked a bit early and late, but won’t be doing that today for I have kinked my back again. That’s twice recently. I’m not sure why. I am prone to back spasms, but I can go a very long time between episodes, so to have two back-to-back is a bit puzzling. And aggravating. 

The spasm this morning was most untimely because I was getting ready to drive to the Smiths Falls hospital. I just bent down to pick something off the floor and had a spasm. But off I dragged my body for my dilation procedure. Let me tell ya, it was not fun, neither the getting-around and, especially, the procedure. I’ve had a few dilations, and while they are never a happy time, this one was exceptionally uncomfortable. But perhaps it will keep me flowing while I wait to see the topdawg specialist, whenever that might be.

So, there will be more Bosch tonight while I evade the heat and also wait for both my back and nether regions to calm down.


  1. You're certainly being plagued. Well, I hope you keep cool, anyway.

  2. I really like the Bosch books (by Michael Connelly), but…strange as it sounds, the fellow who plays Bosch on the series just doesn’t “work” for me even though he is a good actor. Two things…. he seems to be too “polished” to be the rather rough hewed Bosch, and he also lacks Bosch’s mustache (as described in the books).


  3. 24 degree Celius is just mildly warm for me lol. I have not prescribed Prime channel but I will sign up to Disney soon. Back spasm is a hint of weak core strength. Time to do more strengthening exercises.

  4. I wouldn’t mind a bit of warm at the moment. Winter here in Melbourne….down to 0c overnight maybe up to 11c today with possible rain. Give me summer any time, hotter the better. Even though there are limits and then like you we retire indoors, windows closed curtains drawn, fans on (air con getting expensive to run)
    And I hear you on the back problems

  5. I keep hearing the heat on eastern part of North America continent. Although over weekend it might be getting hotter here.

  6. We've been inside too but no AC here. We pull all the shades during the day to keep the solar rays out. Fans going so there's a breeze. We've had thunderstorms this afternoon so temps are dropping.

  7. it has been hot, hot, hot here as well, and as for your question? Well, you can trust that I am NOT enjoying it.

    Off to google Bosch. Never heard of it!

  8. Where'd my comment go?

  9. Sigh. If it's one not thing, it's another. Sorry to learn of your latest problems.

  10. I've never heard of the Bosch series. Now you've made me curious.

  11. Back spasms aren't fun. stretch and stretch some more. Our snow was in western Alberta as in the mountains. Mountains don't count as they have their own climate.

  12. Your tongue in cheek comment on Prime could certainly apply to many, many businesses. Grrr. Sorry about the back tweak; I did that once picking up a strand of hair off my bathroom tile. It was miserable! I'm so sorry your procedure was uncomfortable and also that you're dealing with the same OLD CRAP. (metaphorically speaking)

  13. Although we have Prime, I have never watched a show on it as Netflix, PBS and the free Kanopy streaming from the local library have been mire than enough. We did have AcornTV and Britbox in previous years. Staying in and cool is a food idea, and hope the back and other areas are feeling better with rest.

  14. Could you send just a bit of that heatwave over here please?

  15. So sorry about your various physical difficulties. I could say "getting old..." etc, but that would be tacky of me. I loved the Bosch books, and accepted the TV version as a somewhat enjoyable adaptation. I just finished watching (it did take 6 months) all 21 seasons of original NCIS. Now have gone back to see Dark Moon about Navaho police based on Tony Hillerman's books, only two short seasons were made. Keep cool and relax, the days are getting shorter now!

  16. We are in the rain zone. The hot and humid will happen, though. I have Prime but don't use it. I rarely watch tv anymore. I remember reading they were adding in commercials if you didn't pay a higher subscription price. There is no bottom to greed. I dropped Netflix when they raised rates. I do have Brit Box and I wonder why, since I don't use it.

    Sorry about the back. I know how miserable that is.

  17. I keep saying I'd rather have heat than cold. But a happy medium would be a refreshing change of pace!

    I'm sorry about the spasm and procedure. It definitely doesn't sound like fun. I hope it is effective and holds you off till the specialist.

    If I had aircon I'd use it!

  18. I spend most of my time on Netflix, watching Korean dramas. So far, no commercials on Netflix. Hope the back improves.

  19. Sounds like misery, AC, on several levels. Feel better soon.

  20. I read most of the Bosch books but we don't have any streaming so haven't watched the tv shows.
    We set the a/c at 26.5 and turn on the ceiling fans and it is quite comfortable.
    Hope you feel better soon.

  21. The worst part about a heatwave is that it keeps you indoors.

  22. Things have cooled down weather-wise. Hope your pain has as well.

  23. I feel your pain. Back spasms are miserable. I don't get them often (thankfully)! Rest up and stay cool!

  24. This heat is a good time to stay put inside.

  25. Aren't the ads a pain! Sue is right. Mute it! Too bad they can't get it right.

  26. Oh boy. Sending my sympathy as you deal with all this, AC. Takes a strong man!

  27. It was cooler here in Alberta, but the heats on now. Yes indeed, poor poor Prime and so many other corporations too. *rolls eyes*

  28. Ugh I'm a few days behind but I do commiserate and I have read ahead so I know you're doing better. As for commercials on Prime, I don't know how you can say we were spoiled. We PAID for those streaming services in exchange for watching ad-free programs. Now, you have to pay for the ones with ads, or pay more because they've added ads and you don't want to be subjected to said ads, and half the content has a lock icon on it so even though you already pay, you have to pay more. They are greedy, greedy, greedy and they have us all right where they want us. It's maddening. Like Sue, I don't listen either and I do my best not to watch either, hahahaha xoxo
