Tuesday, December 03, 2019

The Ups and Downs of Christmas

Two across-the-street neighbours put some funds and effort into their seasonal decorations.

I took those last night.

This is what I see from my window this morning.

This cycle repeats itself daily: up and down, down and up.

While I tip my hat to the tenacity of the neighbours for re-inflating their Santas and whatnots on a daily basis, I can't help but think that this must be dispiriting. Perhaps such inflatables work well in warmer climes, but the cold seems to wreak havoc in this locale.

In point of fact, the cold sometimes deflates me as well. But I have Sue to pump my tires, as it were.


  1. Around our neighbourhood, it’s the same, deflated creatures during the day, only to rise from the snowflakes at dusk.

  2. These inflatable decorations are fun at night but just dismal in the daytime...

  3. Those are the decoration of this century. Me I prefer seeing the lights.

  4. Now that is an impressive Christmas display. I agree that it's sad to see it deflated though. I don't see a lot of holiday displays in our area.

  5. Nice work, though inflatables go in swimming pools to my mind. I've been on the road for 2 days, so now can stop and look at each of the blogs I enjoy!

  6. I have not decided if I am glad that no one can see our house and therefore, I do not put up yard decorations...or is that sad?

  7. The only decorations I have outside are a bunch of red lights on a cedar bush, rather dark and dreary really. The lady across the road has a large fabric dog that sings a Christmas song every time someone walks by. Even in the middle of the night.

  8. Well, it wouldn't be me putting them up.

  9. I thought they deflated when their owners turned out the lights and the air compressor, on the way to bed, and when they get home from work and flip the power on, voila. Is this another story, like Santa Claus? Please say it isn't so.

  10. Oh, my.
    JB says they look like jellied aliens! We pass a lot in our drives.

  11. oh this is funny, and sad, and "there but for the grace of..." all rolled into one.

    We have new neighbors down the road (and mercifully outta sight) who have just discovered Decorating the entire Yard, and it is a wonderland of purple and green and blue lights, all flashing and swirling...

    You do have to admire their determination in the face of winter...

  12. Such a sad sight. As we are out of sight of every one, our decorations are limited to some fairy lights on the porch. I'll get around to a wreath or something for the door eventually.

  13. I agree. Those inflatables, in their early morning vanquished state, look like nothing so much as windblown trash on the lawn. They are quite popular in our neighbourhood too; certainly not my choice.

  14. Forgive me for being a "Grinch" but your entry seems to epitomize the way our world has become so commercial and completely misses the true meaning of this season.

  15. Awww, that is rather sad! If I were them I think I'd stick with the electrical decorations. But maybe it's all part of the seasonal atmosphere for them, to blow Santa up every morning :)

  16. I was initially assuming they were the electronic ones with a fan that inflates them when the lights are on....but they are actual ones you blow up by breath?!? I would give up! We had one of the electronic ones once and I found it looked too sad deflated during the day and have stopped using it. :)

  17. We used to see far more of these types of holiday decorations starting at Halloween and going to Christmas when we lived in NJ, but not as many here in NH. Personally, we prefer holiday lights, but apt living makes it challenging to accomplish. Still, we decorate the apt entry just without lighting.
