Monday, December 16, 2019

Nothing But JJ

When I write that there is Nothing But JJ in these photos, that is not true. But what I mean is that Jonathan is in all of this weeks game photos. Of course, I have others sans JJ, but I thought I would just go with a theme in this post.

Find him if you will: #9, hair too long on one side, stick blue with a red blade. He's pretty obvious in the first photo, though, I tapped on the glass to get his attention during warmup.

And he's pretty obvious in this one too.

It's up to you now.


  1. Go J.J.! Great action shots, gramps.

  2. The hair is the giveaway. I am surprised he does not wear a barrette to keep it out of his eyes. Great action shots. though.

  3. Nicely done!
    The hair would drive me nuts, though.

  4. You did a super job as usual!

  5. Great shots. You have wonderful grandchildren and luckily get to see them often!

  6. Impressive, except for the hair. But each generation adopts hairstyles to drive their grandparents nuts, right?

  7. You have obviously decided to return to taking photos of an event you enjoy as much as JJ.

  8. Well done, AC! (I like the weird hair.)
