Saturday, December 28, 2019

Caturday 12: Lacey is such a Sneak

How did she do ↓ this? Lacey was able to insert herself into this little tableau three times. So clever.

That poster ↑ was made for Shauna's birthday celebration last week. Also at that event, Lacey decided to grace Danica with some lap time. As I have previously mentioned, she is a very odd cat and will only visit people who are sitting in this particular chair. However, the one time I sat myself there, she ignored me — Me! her main provider.

I sometimes get some lap time up on my chair in the den. That is the only other place where she will deign to snuggle. As I said, Go Figure!


  1. The looks on both their faces says it all.

  2. You just don't know what they've been through, our cats.

    Nutmeg used to flatten her ears, and crouch if we moved to pet her. They were great with the kids this week!

  3. WE are dogsitting the Grandchildren's little fellow and he does try to get me off the laptop!

  4. Cute poster with the triplet Laceys. Also lovely photos of Danica … she is really turning into a beauty.

  5. Lacey knows what she likes.

  6. That is a very comfortable looking chair.
