Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Hanging onto the Moments

We did our quasi daily stroll yesterday, just around the block, but a good-sized block, I guess you'd say.

It was nippy in the 7℃ (45F) weather, especially with a very stiff breeze blowing, but it was a good walk. As we neared the end, I actually felt almost exultant, for I was feeling less leg pain than I have in some time. Yes, there was pain, but no, it wasn't overbearing. Physio seems to be finally helping. Even my chronic foot, which is beyond help, was not at its worst on that day. Yay!

Dragging my leg along after me all summer has not been fun, but it was much less of a drag yesterday, and the diminution of pain buoyed my spirits.

It pleased me so much to be able to walk with less difficulty. I guess, for me it was Thanksgiving, just a day late. While I am not a candidate for the Appalachian Trail, it did feel good to walk more freely.

Maybe it was a one-off, and maybe the next walk will not go so well, but one grabs and hangs onto the moments that life offers.

I am thinking that it really is appreciating the little things that make a life a good life. I am mindful that even in the difficult phases of life, there may be brief moments when the sun chooses to shine and that those are the moments to hang on to.


Cloudia said...

Grateful to hear! "Actually felt almost exultant, for I was feeling less leg pain than I have in some time. Yes, there was pain, but no, it wasn't overbearing" love your choice of words too. Aloha best wishes

Boud said...

Yes, those little moments are treasure. I'm glad you had a bit of respite and it raised your spirits.

jabblog said...

It's the little things in life that can please us or trip us up. I'm glad your personal thanksgiving lifted your spirits.

DJan said...

The older I get the more I look for those moments of happiness springing up from the day. Glad your leg is at least a bit better.

Ed said...

My father, who will turn 73 shortly, just completed his second traverse of the Appalachian trail earlier this fall. He says he is done doing such things, but then he said that the first time 5 years ago, so I take it with a grain of salt.

gigi-hawaii said...

Yes, there is a silver lining to every dark cloud, isn't there?