Wednesday, October 23, 2024

Two Outta Three

Generated by Adobe AI: photo of a surprised, old man in a ball cap and getting a vaccination.

When you're past 75, they recommend that you get a high dose flu shot. That is all well and good, but they are scarce as the denticles of domestic fowl. High Dose wasn't even presented as an option at the online registration site of our pharmacy, so we signed up for a regular flu shot and a COVID booster. 

We mentioned this at family dinner on Monday night. The next day, Tuesday, Danica, who works at another pharmacy, texted that she could secure us high dose flu shots, for they had five remaining of the 80 that they had been sent.

So that is what we did this morning. Unfortunately, they did not have C-jabs available, so we'll keep the appointment at our pharmacy for next week.

Then there is the RSV jab, but there is no hope of getting that one at this time. Although we are of an age, we would have to be in a facility of some sort to get it from the government without cost. (It's a Conservative government, you see.) The other option would be to pay $300 to get the serum and take it to our doctor to administer.

Ah well, as the old saying goes, two outta three ain't bad.


Barbara Rogers said...

Ah, there you are! I replied to your comment on my blog, which of course you won't be going back to read...that I missed your post this morning! I got my Covid update, and need the flu shot. Didn't think to ask if the CVS had the higher dose for seniors. Now I need to see about that. Thanks.

Ed said...

I got both the flu (regular strength) and the Covid jabs early last week. The Covid one, per normal, made my arm feel like someone had slammed it with a 2 x 4 for a couple days after. The flu shot didn't have any after affect though the very next evening, my youngest came up sick with the flu. Sure enough, about a week later, I spent a day with chills and an upset stomach, most likely because my flu shot hadn't had time to give me full strength immunity. But by the following day, I was completely normal again so perhaps while not full immunity, it saved me from the three day, multiple vomiting ordeal my youngest daughter went through.

Cloudia said...

Great! You're taking care of yourself!

Anvilcloud said...

I'm trying to be better about going back. :)

Anvilcloud said...

So far, the C-shots haven't affected me. 🤞

Anvilcloud said...


roentare said...

I have yet heard of high dose flu shot.

DB Stewart said...

Mine are scheduled for Friday (regular dose).

"scarce as the denticles of domestic fowl" Ha! Thumbs up.

Anvilcloud said...

Thanks for that.

RedPat said...

I had the high dose flue shot last year and just heard that they are in at our local pharmacy. I'm not due for covid until the end of November. I'm skipping the RSV too.

Boud said...

In this area seniors are given the high dose routinely without even mentioning it to them. And my insurance covers all routine shots, covid, everything. Rsv is one and done, not annual at this time.