Sunday, October 27, 2024

Fall Has Now Mostly Fallen

To delve a little deeper into my Blogger commenting issues, I went into Settings and under the Comments section, I switced from whatever I was using to the  Embedded option. I wasn't sure what would happen, but the reply issue seems to be resolved. Finally. Fingers crossed anyway. 🤞

The new format is also now on my tablet too, but I still have to login to comment on many posts. For example: if I login to comment to Charlie, when I get to April, I might have to do it again, and so on. Still, I can now access most blogs on my iPad, so that is also progress.


We got to the park and took a short walk, but our outing turned out to be shorter than we had intended. It was a cold 7C, and the wind was blowing pretty fiercely, so I turned tail after the second photo, which was not all that far into the park from where we had parked.

There is some colour remaining, but you are about to see that it is falling fast. Most trees that aren't bare already have lost half their leaves. You can see the leaves on the ground in both photos. The fallen leaves in the second photo are red from nearby red maples.

Enjoy the rest of your weekend. May your Sunday be sunny.


  1. A little chilly there. Here we're still in light jacket weather. For now.

    1. Tonight will descend well below freezing, so I imagine that the petunia pots that have survived the light frosts will be withered come morning.

  2. Lovely day! It's sunny here, too, with very blue skies.

    1. It was lovely to look at, much better from inside the car or house than out because of the wind.

  3. It is sunny here but cool.

    1. It was sunny earlier. I was hoping to get a few photos of carpets of leaves. I could do that, but it is now too dull and cloudy to bother.

  4. Our long spate of sunshiny days is over. Clouds came through yesterday and got stuck on the mountains, so our outside light looks about like what first light before sunrise would be. Where is the sun? But unfortunately we only had a sprinkle yesterday. I've been in bed for 2 days so may have missed something - this is my intermittent fever that just pops up sometimes, and then I survive and go on with my life. AC, I notice the addition of the word "reply" after each person's comment! Yay! Isn't it a real problem to have to log in on iPads to make each comment. They should fix that! I just go to the laptop to make comments. Have a great Sunday!

    1. Blogger is a bit of a mystery, but I think we've taken a step.

  5. Whoosh, this is cold. Especially with the wind coming off the water.
    That tree is so iconic, in all seasons.

    1. There are some beautiful trees in the park. There was another one that I like to photograph at the other end of the park, but I turned back n the wind.

  6. Our leaves have nearly left!
    It is a peculiar cold in fall. I've done yard duty in -20, but this is a damp bitter cold.

  7. Much better appearing comment wise this morning! I love using the embedded comments to reply but they aren't without their issues too. Last year we went through several months where Blogger did something that wouldn't let you comment on embedded comments until you allowed third party cookies. Fortunately, they finally fixed that and it has been working good since.

    1. I am a slow learner, but I usually get there in the end. 😊

  8. I do love the leaves on the ground too and unlike many places, we always have the evergreens so fall and winter aren't as stark. I like the replying but don't get notified for some reason. And now several blogs (including yours) only allow me to comment from Chrome. Is google taking over the world??
