Wednesday, June 12, 2024

We All Get Our Exercise

Several times now, Sue has driven up to the old folks home near us to take a low-key exercise class with a friend who has moved in there. It is a pretty easy class, so I don't know if she will continue.

They also have a Zumba class, and Sue attended that yesterday. She's been interested in Zumba, and there is a class in town, but it is in the evening and is a bit pricey. Milady is pretty much getting ready for bed by 8, so she has never tried the class, which she would love if there were a day class because she has an excellent sense of rhythm.

Like the exercise class at the seniors', Sue found their Zumba group pretty easy, but worth continuing for now.

But I am digressing because I really wanted to write that Sue has met a potential walking buddy at the home. The lady is in pretty good shape, all things considered, but she is deteriorating mentally and tends to lose her bearings when she goes out.

While Sue doesn't have the greatest sense of direction either, they will walk the trail, so it is straightforward: walk, turn, walk back.

Sue found that the lady is a good walker and that it is Sue who has to up her pace. Betsy (let's call her that, so I don't have to keep writing 'this lady') walks regularly but always has to keep the residence in view so she doesn't get lost. It must have been good for her to get out on a longer walk, for they went all of the way to the trail bridge.

So, I think this will work for both of them for now, and Sue doesn't mind that she has to keep telling Betsy her name.

When Sue returned for the afternoon Zumba class, I had her drop me off near the residence, and I sauntered home along the trail, so that I could also get my exercise. I think this will work out for all of us.

I had my phone and took this photo of a wild iris by the river with the river behind and leading to an overpass. I knew that I wanted it in situ, and I also knew that it would just be a record photo and nothing better.

We've had a lot of rain, and the river is running high.

While I am here, I'll post this photo that Sue caught of me on a recent walk in the same area when we were scouting out a route for her new walking buddy. I hope it's not just that I love myself that I post the photo because there is something about it, perhaps the mood, that appeals to me.


Ed said...

We have an old indoor mall here that is 80% closed up these days but gets a lot of walkers at all hours of the day. I presume because it is air conditioned and they can't get lost.

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

It was nice to read about that Sue has a new walking friend, Betsy, and hopefully it doesn’t mean you will give up your treks,AC.

Barbara Rogers said...

Doing life at our own pace is a piece of wisdom we elders can certainly enjoy!

gigi-hawaii said...

It's wonderful that Sue is exercising with the lady. A win-win to me. Love that last photo, too.

Boud said...

These sound like great ideas for exercise in company. I expect sue likes to step out without going slower to accommodate a partner with a sore paw!

DJan said...

It is a nice photo. And I am also glad to hear everyone is getting their exercise.

Sandra said...

I think that photo is wonderful. There is a sense of calm in it. Good news for Sue on Zumba and a new walking partner who makes Sue pick up the pace!

Marie Smith said...

That last photo is great, AC. It is great that Sue has a walking buddy from the home nearby.

Granny Sue said...

That iris has a singular beauty. As does the photo of you.

Jenny the Pirate said...

That is a good mood picture of you, AC ... I'm just afraid that the metal doors upon which you stand will suddenly open. I've enlarged it and it does not look possible, but still. Be careful out there xoxo

Jeanie said...

That's nice to have a walking partner. I don't have one and wish I did. I'm looking forward to maybe trying some new routes when I finally get norht.

Vicki Lane said...

Sounds like a win-win for e and Betsy. And I love the mood photo!

RedPat said...

That sounds like a great thing for both Betsy and Sue. Betsy gets social interaction and Sue gets exercise.
I like that last shot too.

Marcia said...

There is something other worldly about your photo. Are you standing on an elevator to take you down below the ground? But really, what are you standing on?

Debby said...

That last picture made me feel sad, and I don't know why for sure. But what a wonderful partnership Sue has created. She gets her walk, and even though the woman can't remember her name, she gets a chance to get out and release some endorphins!

roentare said...

Zumba is hard. I am silently doing my push ups and vertical trainer at home

Red said...

All of us need to keep very active in our senior years.

Barwitzki said...

Small fitness classes like this are wonderful... and Zumba really puts you in a good mood if you can move your legs fast enough.
I also go to the fitness and gym and I always enjoy it.
I wish you all many lovely walks. I often travel to forest alone because my husband is still working... so enjoy it. Hug

Margaret said...

Excellent to have a walking buddy! I prefer to walk alone but the time might come when I'll need company. That photo of you in nature is very introspective. As you mentioned, there is just something atmospheric about it.

Patio Postcards said...

Great news that Sue has found a compatible walking friend. I've been searching for one for years. We have a walking "club" but they are hikers more than walkers. I like the photo Sue captured of you on the trail.

PipeTobacco said...

I like that Sue has a walking friend now. That will be enjoyable for her and for the friend with memory challenges too!

The photograph of you is very nice. The skyline is an especially important part of the image because like many have said, it flavors the emotional construct of the rest of the image (you).

Spare Parts and Pics said...

I like the photo of you, with your back to the camera. It makes the viewer wonder what is going through your mind.

Jenn Jilks said...

Sweet photo, you are right!

Kay said...

I absolutely LOVE that last photo. The color and mood tells a story. It's beautiful.