Monday, June 17, 2024

Father's Day Breakfast

We had our Father's Day breakfast gathering on Saturday.  The kids, after all, do have a father with whom to celebrate on the official day. Except for one far-flung absentee, all members of all generations were there. That amounted to five people. That's it. That's the whole family.

For a change. I opted for French Toast rather than my usual big, chock-full omelet, and it was excellent. 

I seemed to be happy.

It was also a bit of a Mother's Day gathering since the family had been away back then although the gifts were received back around that time.

What we didn't think to do was to ask the server to take the usual family photo, so I will just leave you with a collage that Sue put together of me me me. Sorry about that.


Boud said...

Such a happy guy! Happy father's day.

DJan said...

Love the me collage, it's perfect. Sue is so talented, but you knew that already. :-)

Barbara Rogers said...

Ah, now I have a better portrait of the two of you (ha ha, you didn't know I have a folder for bloggers, did you!) I wonder of course, what the big brown flat thing might be. Something only dad's would enjoy, perhaps?

Sandra said...

You look happy! Both you and Sue look like you found the fountain of youth. I can travel to Canada if you tell me where it's hiding. French toast looks good.

Anvilcloud said...

@Barbara: That thing is a pair of shorts in a vacuum pack.

gigi-hawaii said...

You seem to like your gifts. Always nice to celebrate with family.

Marie Smith said...

Great photos! Love the collages Sue does!

RedPat said...

That looks like quite a breakfast!

Cloudia said...

Glad to see a happy family and you enjoying the day so much friend. Aloha!

Granny Sue said...

Your small family certainly makes the effort to get together. That is really special these days. Looks like a good time!

Margaret said...

Great photos of you and only fitting since it was Father's Day. I'm going out to a brunch tomorrow and am already wondering what to order. So many choices!

Jenny the Pirate said...

That's so nice! YES you do look like a happy guy and that is wonderful. That French toast looks like FIRE and the potatoes too! My kind of breakfast. xoxo

Vicki Lane said...

Looks like a fine gathering!

roentare said...

That is a special day to celebrate. You look really happy in the photos

The Furry Gnome said...

You do look happy! Happy Father's Day!

Kay said...

Awww... gee... I'm so glad you both had a happy Father's and Mother's Day get-together.

Joanne Noragon said...

A great day. Happy father's day.

PipeTobacco said...

Happy Belated Father’s Day! You must have gotten a recent haircut, as you look especially dapper in the photos.

Jenn Jilks said...

Well, happy father's and mother's day!

Jeanie said...

What a fun celebration, and best of all, fun for both of you! Love the photo of you two. You have good kids!