Tuesday, February 28, 2023

Upriver and Down

By now, you have seen a few of my photos from the dam at Appleton. Well, our town also has a dam. I am not sure why, but we'll get to that in a moment.

First, here is one of Sue's 365 entries from last week. She took both photos from the trail bridge, which was once a railroad bridge. The top photo looks upriver, toward townhall, while the bottom photo looks downriver.

Those ↑ are both wide angle photos, but I took my longest telephoto lens that day, for I knew that I wanted to photograph the dam, which we can scarcely see way in the distance in her [first] photo.

This ↑ was taken with a 300mm zoom. Even then, I applied some cropping, mostly to remove the extra space top and bottom of the dam. I don't really see this dam serving a function, and I assume that it is left behind after a power station was demolished in the past. Of course, the same is true of the Appleton dam, but the removal of that hydro electric plant was much more recent.

I took another photo, this time of a bit of the building that is visible in Sue's second photo. I took it from a slightly different spot than Sue did. This structure, by the way, is or was the McArthur Woolen Mill, established in the 1870s if I recall.

The shapes and textures interested me on that day, particularly the chimney.


  1. You said you didn’t see that this dam served a function, but in terms of a subject for your posts, it does fulfill one.

  2. Agree, I esp. like the chimney photo.

  3. In looking at the chimney, I wonder if they built it too short initially and had to go back and build it higher. Looks like you and Sue have been getting out and about. You must be fully recovered from your procedure.

  4. Love the details that your last photo picked up in the brickwork! Glad you told me which way the water was flowing, 'cause I'd not have figured it out easily! But I do like water pics!

  5. The Chimney photo is worthy of framing. Well done.

  6. Super texture and depth on the chimney spot.
    Would the old dam have supported a mill of some kind? I have always wondered as well.
    Nice blue day.

  7. The textures are incredible! What a lot of work that must have been to build.

  8. I wonder if the contrasting brickwork on the chimney is a design feature, or if they ran out and had to fill in?

  9. The texture is wonderful in your B+W. I love the rendition of the images.

  10. Love the chimney shot.

  11. That water is really running fast. The black and white is powerful.

  12. You live in a town ripe with photo ops! Good work, both of you.

  13. I like the last photo the best.
    Coffee is on and stay safe
