Sunday, February 05, 2023

Jonathan's Birthday

Let us step away from my post-surgery woes to commemorate Jonathan's birthday party.

Under the circumstances I didn't know if I was going to get around to cobbling together a birthday card, but in the end, I managed. The outside of the card is top left, and the inside is on the right. His one birthday gift, from all of us, is on the bottom.

With only one gift to open, Mom extended the event with a series of clues. He opened that huge box (above) to find a only tiny slip of paper (top left, below). That sent him on a chase of clues until another wrapped box eventually revealed an X-box (top right). Of course, he spent the rest of the night engrossed (bottom).

A few other snapshots.

Sue took these ↓ photos while we were waiting to serve ourselves dinner. I bent down to JJ's height because I speculate that we will be much closer in height at the end of this year. At least, my big growth spurt occurred in my fifteenth year, after my 14th birthday. We shall see.

Sue is the main family photographer. When I saw her taking a picture of Danica and her boyfriend, I decided to take advantage.

Just for the record, Sha and Sue were also present.

It was good to get out, but after visiting ER in the middle of the previous night, I was pretty well at my wits' end by the time Sue was helping me to get ready for bed by changing over to the big, night catheter. Thankfully, I had a very much needed, long-for-me sleep.


  1. It looks like a fun party--but not much sleep and a catheter would turn me into a pumpkin after a few hours. Glad that you had a restful night last night though.

  2. Thanks for making the effort to celebrate and record the birthday! It looks like a good time.

  3. Yes, a growth spurt can be right around the corner for JJ. I actually didn't stop growing till around 19/20...adding a few inches height as well as around different places. But I remember my sons just shooting up like lightening! Lots of new clothes needed! Glad you finally got to rest after a good time with the grands plus one!

  4. Nice to get out to a party. JJ looks like he's growing his hair long again.

  5. It's good that you got out with family.
    The sculpture in my pic is a homage to the artist Magritte. He stays out all year not like Frank.

  6. Glad to hear you're feeling well enough to get out and about, even if you are pretty worn out by the end of the day. It can only get better from here. :-)

  7. That is one good looking young man you have there. And as for character... the cat approves of him. What could be better.
    Sending a belated but fervent wish for a happy year ahead.

  8. I love the double picture!

  9. Great photos! Hope you get a good sleep tonight too, AC.

  10. Yes, he'll soon be taller than you.

  11. Nice party, and I guess you survived.

  12. Happy Birthday to Jonathan. I love that name since it is my son's name actually.

    I have my fingers crossed that things will improve dramatically for you very soon.

  13. You had a good birthday do for Jonathon in spite of some challenges.

  14. Glad you got to party! (Love the entry about the boy finding his man voice.) Night night. Hope you sleep well. Linda in Kansas

  15. These days pass all too quickly as the children merge into adulthood. Good that you celebrated, and even made a card! We lost our Jonathan on 2 Feb 2010, when he was 39. I always will have a special place in my heart for boys of that name. Wishing your son tbe very best year ahead!

  16. What a nice gift he got! Pretty cool for a guy his age. My grandson turns 13 on Feb. 16. No party for him as he wants a sleep over. But my daughter doesn't think 4 boys are going to want to sleep on the hard wooden floors, so I don't know what is going to happen.

  17. I am hopeful that your catheter issue will be resolved easily this next visit. Your grandson is very happy about the XBox. I have been encouraged to try the games by various of my kids over the years, and by kids of family friends….. I will try for a few minutes, but for whatever reason, they never feel particularly fun.


  18. Glad you are on this side of recovery.
    Such a fun family!

  19. How wonderful to celebrate together! Happiest birthday to him!
