Tuesday, February 21, 2023

This Was Not Planned

I got caught up on blogs before I went to bed Sunday night. By 8 o’clock Monday morning, there were 18 new posts waiting for me in Feedly. This means that almost everybody whom I follow posted late Sunday or early morning. 

What can I say?

I posted too. 😎

Speaking of posts, it was Family Day yesterday in Ontario. It is an official provincial holiday with schools and most businesses closed. Jonathan had anther outing planned and couldn't make it to family dinner. But Danica brought her boyfriend. Look at how he and I were dressed.

How crazy is that?


Marie Smith said...

Lol. Great photo!

Ed said...

If my boyfriend was already dressing like a grandfather, I would be very worried about our future!

Boud said...

You got the memo!

DJan said...

How sweet is that? I love it. :-)

William Kendall said...

Oh my...

Barbara Rogers said...

Hopefully this is due to the women in your lives purchasing similar clothes. If it's you each deciding on the same clothes from stores...that makes a great coincidence, and proves Dana's good tast in me.

Anvilcloud said...

Ah no! I choose my own clothes. and Danica is not yet at the point of choosing her boyfriend's. She did, however, arrange his sweatshirt like mine for the picture.

NGS said...

Well, clearly it is meant to be!

Margaret said...

You didn't twin deliberately? If not, wow! It was Presidents' Day here; I like your holiday better.

Sandra said...

Hi! I see you on a few blogs I follow and decided to stop in. I think this is kismet, look at you two!

DrumMajor said...

Nice red for the Kansas City Chiefs! Thank you. Linda in Kansas

Anvilcloud said...

We didn’t twin deliberately. At this point, we are still almost strangers.

RedPat said...

Great minds!

Red said...

Yes, sometimes the comments are overwhelming, but please keep them coming. they are appreciated.

Jenn Jilks said...

That is an interesting coincidence!

Jeanie said...

I try to get to blogs on days when there are a lot of posts or they stack up and of late, I'm just not able to get to them all! Have a wonderful rest of the week!

Granny Sue said...

That is so funny! Great looking guys there. Wish the US had a family day. It's a great idea.

Christina said...

This is so funny! Danica's boyfriend looks happy enough to wear the same kind of clothes as you. I guess that makes you both cool dudes!

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

This was an unusual coincidence and certainly a photo was in order. What would have been even funnier would have been if your grandson also had the same clothing choices. Yes, it is hard to keep up on blog reading at times, especially when other bloggers post more often.

Debby said...

LOL. That's hilarious!

MARY G said...

No beard on boyfriend. Must be remedied!