Monday, February 20, 2023

Milton over Psalms

For so He gives His beloved sleep Psalm 127:2 NKJV 

It was one of those infrequent events. 

I awoke after 7 on Saturday morning and realized that I had slept for 8 hours, and I had only been up once in the night too. What a great feeling!

I am not sure when I last got 8 hours although I seem to come close once or twice a year. In general, however, I am forced to count 6 or 6.5 hours as good. I don't love it when life conspires to limit me to 5 hours or less. Unfortunately, life does this to me too friggin often.

But was I on the verge of a life change? Would this be a beginning of something new: of me getting more of that beloved sleep that the Psalmist mentions?

Sadly not, it seems: not on Saturday night, and not last night, Sunday. On both nights I was up by 5 with only a little help from Lacey. Sigh.

In my case, Milton's experience is truer than the Psalmist's.

What hath night to do with sleep?
John Milton, Paradise Lost

Addendum: It’s a little after 8AM. Sue is still sleeping. She goes to bed at 9PM or shortly thereafter. It’s like rubbing salt in a wound, I tell ya. 


William Kendall said...

This night I had six.

On the weekend I had twelve.

Elizabeth Varadan, Author said...

I think I average between 6 and 6&1/2. But when I DO get 7 or 8, it's truly bliss. And for some reason, no matter how little sleep I get, I'm unable to take naps. I close my eyes mid day because I'm sleepy, and immediately I'm wide awake.

Patio Postcards said...

Sleep - the elusive elixir of well being. I am envious of even your 6 hours.

Boud said...

I rarely have a bad night, the kind where you're awake for the day at 3 am. Usually it's more like 8 hours, till my son's morning text wakes me. It's his see if mom's still with us text!

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

You are nit alone in your quest/desire for longer 😴 times, AC. I generally average 6-7 without an afternoon nap. Grenville takes as many naps as possible most afternoons and can still get 7 hours of more overnight sleep.

DJan said...

I almost always get eight hours, which I seem to need. It's nice to wake up refreshed and ready to enjoy the day. :-)

Ed said...

I finally was able to get my 4th Covid booster. It was a different brand than the previous three but I wasn't too worried. But the following day, I slept about 6 hours during the daytime and then went to bed and slept another 12 hours straight through. I didn't know that kind of sleep was possible anymore because like you, 6 seems to be the average.

Marie Smith said...

My husband is up at 3:30 a.m. He enjoys that time of day when the rest of the world sleeps. I wish you another eight hour night soon, AC.

RedPat said...

6.5 or 7 is good for me but I would love to do an 8 hour sleep.

Margaret said...

I can function on 6-7 hours but prefer 8 when I can get it. The cat can be a hindrance to that, my bladder the other.

Granny Sue said...

What bliss! I wish you many more such nights. My husband can sleep like a stone for 8, 9, 10 hours or more. Me, I generally sleep 4 or 5, wake up, then dive back in and get another hour or two. But sometimes I get a whole 6 hours and it's heaven.

Megan said...

Apparently our 8 hour or so sleeping pattern is quite a modern thing, becoming the norm at the industrial revolution. Before then in mediaeval times and much further back people had two sleeps per night . The First Sleep till midnight or so and then they got up and worked at something for a few hours then had the Second Sleep till morning. This pattern has been discovered all over the world. I know this won't help you much but it's interesting to know where our pattern came from. I also would like much more sleep but tell that to my bladder!

Red said...

I'm sure I haven't ha an 8 hour sleep for many years.

Joanne Noragon said...

I sleep until the alarm wakes me,

Blondi Blathers said...

Generally I don't have your pattern of sleep, but lately upon occasion I will wake during the wee hours for no apparent reason and remain wakeful. Often listening to a podcast will put me back under the ether, but even when it doesn't, it keeps me entertained. For what is worse than lying there bored for an hour or more? That used to drive me nuts before the abundance and variety of podcasts now available. Good luck learning to love your nighttime! -Kate

Jenn Jilks said...

Well, that is funny!
I was awake 3 - 4:30, but I slept in!

Jeanie said...

I used to be an eight-hour sleeper, no problems. Now I find myself waking up after about six (if I'm lucky) and often unable to fall back asleep, in and out of the twinkie zone for a bit. I understand your frustration.

Debby said...

Tim is really struggling with insomnia right now. Since insomnia can indicate subsequent strokes, I am awfully concerned.

MARY G said...

My husband also has poor sleep and he also is rueful (if that describes it) about my better nights. He TELLS me how well I did when he has had an exceptionally bad night.
No cat, though. At least, not until the YD is back with hers.