Monday, February 13, 2023

Tall and Tallest Teens

We are not short in this family, but we are not gigantic either. I am the tallest at almost 6'1+" although I expect that I have shrunk some. Sue, Sha and Danica are in the 5'7' to 5'9" range. I can't tell you about JJ yet because, although he already has a man voice, he hasn't yet had his growth spurt. I expect that it will come this year, but who knows. Everything points to something close to 6', however.

Now, let me show you my grands with our nephew (centre). L is Danica's age, actually a few months younger. He is in grade 10, or as the Americans say, a sophomore. (We possibly don't use that term because high school once extended to 5 years in this province.) Recall that Danica is ~5'8" or so.

Here's another comparison that is fun because of the way JJ is looking up to L. L's sister is also going to be tall as well, but she is younger than JJ.

L and his dad both dwarf ↓ Sue and me (remember that I am 6'+). I am not sure where Sue's nephew (left) got his height because his mother (Sue's sister) was shorter than Sue, and his father was about my height but probably a inch or so less.

This ↓ is what I am getting to, however. When L (left) met up with Olivier Rioux (right), he seemed like a shrimp. Olivier is a teenager from Montreal, and is, apparently, the tallest teenager in the world. While L is pursuing baseball, Olivier is training to be a basketball player. There is more about Olivier here in this article.

L (left 6'7". Olivier (right 7'6")

Olivier is two years older than L, so L still has time. #kidding


Patio Postcards said...

Amazing comparisons. 7'6" is certainly tall & I wonder what challenges that exceptional height will bring to his life.

Marie Smith said...

Our families were short, my husband more than mine. Where does Olivier get his shoes?

Marcia said...

I'm looking at the size of their feet. I guess they make shoes that big.
In the 2nd to last paragraph I got confused. Was it Sue's father that was shorter than you because L's is definitely taller than you?

Marcia said...

Never mind my question. I reread it again and got it that the father you were referring to was Sue's brother in law not the father of L.

MARY G said...

Yikes. I am imagining keeping them in trousers. Um. I am imaginging what it costs to keep them in trousers. Early morning and only one coffee so far.

Boud said...

Extreme height isn't catered to by cars, airline seats, buses, beds, ceilings. It's not easy. Though one of my friends, whole family over six foot, said her six foot six sons were in great demand as life guards at private pools -- they could reach over to retrieve children struggling, no need even to swim in!

gigi-hawaii said...

My goodness! I am 5 ft 1 in and David is 6 ft 1 in. Our daughters are somewhere in between.

Jenn Jilks said...

You do have tall genes. Amazing. I met my birth mother, who isn't tall, but half sisters who are!

William Kendall said...

That kind of height presents its own issues. I'm 6 ft tall, entirely satisfactory to me.

Ed said...

I'm the tallest in my family having outgrown both my parents by 5+ inches. I married a short lady though so perhaps my genes have been diluted for my children. Both have or shortly will be taller than their mom, but I don't think they will reach my height, at least I hope they don't. I had a good female friend who was my height once and her chief complaint was finding dating material as she had a thing against shorter men. Eventually she did find that special someone and I've been monitoring the daughter they produced to see how tall she will grow to be.

Margaret said...

Wow, so how tall is L? 6'4 or so? One of my cousins whose dad (my dad's brother) and mother were both tall, married a guy who was very tall and of their kids--the three boys were 6'8 and the girl was 6'4. Pictures of them with my kids would be comical!

RedPat said...

L looks like a textbook ectomorph.

Red said...

Genes! It's mostly in the genes. After that it's the beans. Diet is part of the growth pattern.

DJan said...

Olivier also looks to have enormous feet! You made me smile with this height comparison post.

Karen said...

My grandsons tower over their elders. They descend from shorties on all sides. My daughters dairy farmer boyfriend says it's all the milk they drink. Hahaha

Granny Sue said...

My husband and I are both short. I'm 5'2 and he was 5'4 but has lost a bit. Our son often says he's the happiest 5'8" man in the world! My 4 sons by my first husband all reached 5'10" to 6' but their Dad was tall and from a family of tall people. My side, peasant-built!

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

Our grandson already towers over his mother and he is 16 years old.