Friday, December 11, 2020

Santa's Workshop

The town's Christmas adaptations to the pandemic continue. I have ready posted of Santa's neighbourhood driveby here, which helped to reduce the loss of the usual grand parade. Now, there is a Santa's Workshop on our main street.

Santa and Mrs Claus are there in a storefront safely behind glass but ready to wave at the children, big or little. There is a small bench out front where the children can sit for a photo op with the Clauses in the background. (Never mind the reflections; the pictures had to be quick.)

It would be pretty hard to eliminate reflections without pressing the lens right up to the glass, which I couldn't do because Santa and Mrs were too close to the pane. Here's one from a little farther back.

As we walked away, I turned back for a photo back towards the workshop which was at #136. The town has decorated the street nicely. 

For fun, I tried one with the lens way out of focus. It was from almost the same spot.

From there we walked and drove a bit to look at some house decorations. I know it will be hard to contain yourselves, but you must wait until tomorrow.


DJan said...

I am glad that the kids still can get pictures with the Santa couple. I like that next to last picture the best. Very festive.

Barbara Rogers said...

I'm looking forward to your photos of lights. The Santa family looked just fine, though we have to imagine the mullions don't interrupt their faces anyway. Yes, I like the street scene too!

Ed said...

I really like the one where you stepped away from the glass a few paces. It really grabs me for some reason. If I could change one thing, I would have Mr. and Mrs. Claus wear masks to date the photo to the time.

Tabor said...

So lovely. I like the way decorations can blur. Seem even more lovely. And I think the reflections of the Claus family are important to remind us of this year.

Margaret said...

I continue to be impressed at how creative people are trying to be to maintain some of our holiday traditions. Love the photo and idea!

William Kendall said...

That is one way to get around the current situation.

Christina said...

I didn't know Santa had a wife! He always struck me as a quintessential bachelor. I live and learn. The lights in your town are pretty, I love a bit of Christmas lighting.

MARY G said...

Good for your town. And I am glad to see the storefront workshop, reflections and all. It is possible to fix them a bit, as I found out after photographing through the window of a helicopter and getting all sorts of reflections. Sigh.

Marie Smith said...

The street scene is like those in a Hallmark movie.

Red said...

there's lots of creativity used to still have fun at Christmas.

Joanne Noragon said...

I haven't been out to see any lights. Thank you.

Debby said...

What a nice idea!

dellgirl said...

What a good idea! Your photos are beautiful, as usual. The decorations are a real smile-maker. Wishing you all the Best, Stay Safe, my friend!

Rita said...

Another great idea for the kids!! :)

Jenn Jilks said...

These are delightful!