Tuesday, December 29, 2020

Saint Gibbets Oil

I was surprised when I read Kay's post which picked up on my earlier post about using Alexa to make our shopping list. I was pleased to see that the concept is working well for her too.

There is another thing that I have recently learned to have Alexa do -- have her remind me.

For awhile now, I have had her issue a standard reminder at 9:15 to do my exercises. I don't always comply, especially this week, and I seldom comply right then. But I have learned that I can say to her: "Remind me again in x minutes." Or I may pick a specific time like 10 o'clock.

I am not sure how long after her initial reminder I have to make that request, but I make it right away, to which she complies and replies.

So Alexa is grand, but one item on her list puzzled me on a recent shopping trip: Saint Gibbets. I had no idea what the item was supposed to actually be, and neither did Sue when I texted her from the store.

We still wonder and puzzle over Saint Gibbets.

There was another mysterious item on that same list -- oil -- and we don't don't know what that was about either as we did not need cooking oil or anything resembling oil at the time. I can't remember now whether the two items, Saint Gibbets and Oil appeared consecutively on the list, but they weren't together on the same line.

Whatever the items were meant to be, we have not found ourselves lacking anything that we might have needed.

So, Alexa has supplied us with some fun as well.

Here's one more -- Sekere's -- but we know what that is. When I said 'we,' I had to rely on Sue to figure it out -- Secaris (as in ointment of a kind).

But I don't need an Alexa list on this shopping day as it is a pickup order since we are back into lockdown although that isn't quite the right word. Let's just say that things are highly restricted and that we shouldn't be meeting others or having them in our homes. We will continue to make an exception for the grandkids as long as their mother feels that they have been isolating themselves sufficiently. In this case, Danica will becoming for a sleepover either tonight or tomorrow.


MARY G said...

I have no clue either but it is fun to speculate. 'Giblets' - not likely. Nice to think you can see the grandkids a bit over the holiday.

Barbara Rogers said...

What a hoot. My phone has Serri, which can't understand me when I try to ask it to look up things. So I seldom use it. So glad you get to see your grands...and I'm sure they are happy about it too.

DJan said...

I spent some time saying "Saint Gibbets" in various ways and still have no idea what was probably intended by that one. Thanks for the smiles, AC. :-)

Margaret said...

My phone doesn't understand me very well when I speak in English to her and comes up with some crazy stuff. She's fine if I dictate in French though. Now I'm wondering what Alexa heard!

Tabor said...

I asked my Google Pixel phone to remind me of something and he/she said yes, but never did...or I did not know how to access it. I do not have a Mac and I think you need that for Alexa. I am afraid this would make me very lazy...even though I am very intrigued.

Red said...

A glitch in the system!

Rita said...

Now that is a mystery!
Enjoy your sleepover visitor. :)

Vicki Lane said...

Love the Alexa mystery! We don't do Alexa but my own writing on my shopping list (which I add to throughout the week) has provided me with some real puzzlers.

Mara said...

My mum once wrote down blue fish on her grocery list and it puzzled me a bit. Until I realised we had been talking of fish when she wrote her list and it meant blueberries!

I hope you will find out at some point what the Saint Gibbets really was supposed to be.

Kay said...

I can't begin to tell you how grateful I am for your kind post teaching me what I could do with Alexa. I am now forever asking her to remind me to do something and she kindly does. I love it when I tell her to remind me to do something at a given time and she asks, is that in the morning or the evening? The list thing is super helpful! It's so funny when I tell her to put something on a list and she tells me I already did it. Thank you, thank you again for telling us about Alexa.