Wednesday, January 16, 2019

Just Missed It

Sometimes we see nice sunsets from our bedroom, but I usually don't bother trying to photograph them. This is especially true in summer when the sunset moves to a different angle, and there are more distractions in the way.

However, in this season, the sun more or less sets behind the building directly opposite, and said building not too bad of a foreground element: not great but any port in a storm, eh.

On Sunday, I noticed, a little late, a very nice sunset that included a sun pillar, so I scrambled to get my camera and tripod. I shouldn't have bothered with the tripod and just shot with a higher ISO (film speed) because by the time I set up, the pillar was all but gone, and the rest of it was not quite as glorious either.

If you squint, you may see some last vestiges of the sun pillar over the steeple, or you may not at this resolution.


  1. Well, I still think it's a nice photo. And I think I can see some blurry bits of the sun pillar. But I am squinting a bit here...

  2. The pillar is faintly visible. Beautiful!

  3. I see what you mean! This is why I miss a 2nd floor!
    It's a lovely photo, though.

  4. Very faint, but visible....I doubt I would have seen it without your mention since I had never heard of a sun pillar before....So thank you for information that is new to me!

    That sunset looks pretty spectacular to me.

  5. What an amazing shot! I love the colors and the silhouette.

  6. The perfect light goes so fast. I try to shoot on AV priority for almost everything as i move too slow. My shutter broke yesterday and I packed the beautious DSLR for repair. Keeping my fingers crossed. Looks like my telephoto auto focus is the next to go...

  7. This comment is for Linda Kay above. For some reason I cannot comment on you blog under my Blogger profile. It only lets me use Google+ which is my public profile. Odd and not sure why that is.

  8. A beautiful photo, nevertheless, and I hope you get the real deal next time.

  9. I have not heard the term "sun pillar" but will look for them now. I would love to see light pillars from city lights sometime too when the conditions are right.
