Sunday, January 27, 2019

A Canadian Sunday Morning

Just a poorly shot 7 second video of what it's like from my widow this Sunday morning. It's been very wintry for the past few weeks, and there's more on the way. I wonder if the kids will have another snow day.


  1. This is more winter than we had last year. Go away!

  2. We had a bit of snow yesterday, but you have us completely beaten.

  3. I guess the cold and wind are headed our way...if not the snow. This is the time of year when everyone is just a bit weary of winter.

  4. Yuk. Headed our way!

  5. The day started like that in town, but the skies are a mix at present. There's a high wind blowing snow about, though, so even if you're looking at blue sky overhead, you're dealing with white outs at times.

  6. I read in my town in montana that, at 10am, it was 44 degrees. 4 degrees warmer than Seattle where I am. If we don't get some snow and colder temps, we're screwed come summer. It's the warmest winter there I've seen in 20 years.

  7. Goodness that looks chilly.
    You are getting the snow we should be getting.

  8. My daughter lives in Chicago and she told me that they’re expecting a lot of snow tomorrow and then it will be bitter cold until Thursday. I remember those days well.

  9. We have a snow base of 30 cm in the front yard.
