Sunday, January 13, 2019

And the Seasons they Go Round and Round

Sue pretty well moves from one decorating season to another. Christmas gives way to Valentines, Valentines to Spring and so on into summer and autumn and back to Christmas.

We are presently into Valentines, and there are red hearts springing out of vases.

It's a macro, so the heart is quite a lot bigger in the photo than in reality.


  1. Love the background too!

  2. Pretty! I do the same seasonal decorating thing but we're in the blue and yellow mode for January (with Christmas lights still on the stairs, bookcases, and mantel. Some pink and green will begin to filter in next month.

  3. I have avoided this. I think I have all the decorations down, but one, a wreath of large, red bells in the front porch.
