Tuesday, April 17, 2018

The Solitary Canada Goose

Last week, in my Bleak Walk Around post, among other photos, there was a solitary Canada Goose in one of the pics (repeated below).

You  don't see that very often. If they're not in actual gaggles, they are usually at least in pairs.

But when I returned on the next day, he or she (gander or goose) was still there. Alone. Which made me feel a little sad. But I'm a bit of a sentimental slob.

They are very wary creatures, and even though I wasn't all that close, he still began to paddle off.

I went back a few days later, but it was a foul day: too foul for fowl. Nary a bird either. Has it found a flock or a partner, I wonder.

It was awful out. Very windy. Brutal. Then the weather got worse.
(as previously posted)


  1. Freezing rain here today. We get your foul weather a day later!

  2. He just needed some alone time. I guess he couldn't stand all that honking going on all day.

  3. Today my husband tried to bring back the boat to the dock. It said outside temp was 51...HA. The wind was certainly around 35 and blowing like crazy. It was a tough job for the both of us. We startled the geese as no boats were out at all.

  4. Lovely photos .The past weekends weather was awful for sure . We had a bit of light snow falling here today thankfully it mostly melted as soon as it hit the ground and now the sun is shining through spots in the mostly overcast sky . I like the Canadian Geese in flight but on the ground they can be nasty viscous things even when not protecting their young or nests . Starting this weekend here it is to be sunny and temps of 16C , finally some real spring temps and weather will here to enjoy . Thanks for sharing , Have a good day !

  5. I have absolutely no sympathy for Canada geese. That little raven, however...

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Just to make you feel better, check your first photo more closely. There is another Canada Goose in the top left corner!

  8. It could be a juvenile, ready to look for love!

    What a mess out there. Happy to be home and safe.

  9. Aww! I hope s/he finds a mate.
