Monday, July 25, 2005

Not in My Backyard

After posting the previous photo of the two sparrows by the nest opening, I sat on the back deck both to read and to keep the birds in sight. And I became somewhat saddened. For I saw that both parents were now just coming to the perch to feed their chicks. Do you see why that saddened me? That photo shows only two gaping mouths by the entrance. So, I began to despair that three chicks were not getting their fair share and that, in fact, they might not live long enough spread their tiny wings and take flight.

I may be wrong. I hope that I'm wrong.

I know that Tennyson was right when he described nature as being red of tooth and claw, but I'm a tad soft-hearted (and, many would argue, soft headed). It disturbs me to think that life may be extraordinarily brief for several of these little lives.

I know that's how it works and that for Mom and Pop sparrow two healthy progeny are a success. They have done their bit. They have procreated and nurtured two (and hopefully more) carriers of their genes into the wild blue yonder. I know that's how it works, but I don't like it.

Not in my backyard anyway.



Valerie - Still Riding Forward said...

I love my "welfare birds"! I have many kinds. Last week we had a single yellow grossbeak taking a break from the berries in our bird bath.

Nature is what it is. I enjoy what I can of it.

Norma said...

They will be facing much worse hazards after the nest, so in nature it is probably better that the weak don't pass along their genes. Yesterday an adolescent bird flew into me. I think he was really too young to leave the nest, but was adventurous. Or perhaps an earlier storm had cut him loose in the strong wind.

SquirrleyMojo said...

nature could learn alot from us humans--not that we are removed from it.

Keith "Nurse Keith" Carlson, RN, BSN, NC-BC said...

The laws of natural selection are sometimes cruel. It pains me too when I see that the weak are losing the battle, knowing that my (well-meaning, if ignorant) interference could have deleterious effects in the bigger picture.

Lora said...

Have faith that they all will get their food and care. I'm sure they will.