Monday, July 11, 2005

General Lassitude

I am suffering from the same complaint as that southern general. His name was Lassitude, and I am suffering from the state of ennui that was surely named in honour of the great, aforementioned general. Indeed, I am in a state of General Lassitude, even though I am in the province of Ontario. We don't generally have states here, just provinces, but it just doesn't work for me to confess that I am in a such a province.

Well, let me show you: I'm in a province of General Lassitude folks. You see? Perhaps it was because the good general who is renown for never losing a battle that he was able to get around to attending was American, although I swear that most of you refer to as Murka and to yourselves as Murkins. Be careful there, that's getting close to murky, and we Canadians like to look upon murkiness as our bailiwick although the Brits what with their Old bailey and all seem to believe all bailiwicks theirs. I don't think they have a General Bailiwick, however.

It happened this morning, this feeling of being as useless as a dead southern general who never won a battle ... nor lost one for that matter. I could not face manufacturing a serious blog. London, terrorists, African poverty, the state of America (oops, Murka), environmental degradation — nothing clicked. Nor did I feel like being religiously or political controversial. Thanks heavens for small mercies, eh you little bloglodites.

I contemplated my blogging ennui off and on throughout the day. Then, it struck me. It's summer! That in and of itself seems hardly revelatory, but it brought to mind that I was repeating a pattern: to wit, losing some interest in computerdumb in the summer. Not a complete loss of interest but a partial waning. In the past, this might have worried me, but I am now used to the pattern because I know that my interest will revive in September, and I almost feel comforted to have Ennui find me again. A say 'again' because last summer the usual pattern did not strongly recur. Therefore, it took me a while to recognize the old general when he resurfaced to reclaim its own this summer.

That means that I'm okay. It means I'll be back on track come September. I am already contemplating CSS and Photoshop books to order for the fall and perhaps taking a few courses too. Until then, I'll blog a bit, but I won't get too worried when watching the sparrows fly in and out of their house seems like a more worthwhile use of time.



  1. You couldn't have it said it better. Summer does have a way of drawing us away from our machines doesn't it?

    Glad I'm not the only one who feels this way.

  2. Well I couldn't disagree more; and here's why: Summer is a time for family and... no, lemme start over... When the heat and humidity get too... no, strike that.... OK, here we go...

    We all should just focus on... to think about our fellow... people should... but leaders... Bush is a...

    Aw, screw it. I just don't have the energy.

  3. I'm on my computer all day, so I usually find a few minutes for blogging, but my problem is that summer ennui has hit my HOUSE! Some of the kids school stuff is still cluttering up our living room, and they've been out of school for a week and a half already. One o' these days...

  4. We've been getting 35-40 degree days so the airconditioning can barely keep up.

    At the end of the day I feel like that sound at the end of a milkshake (slurrrrrp) when I call upon my energy to do anything.

  5. "SLOWLY - step away from the machine!"

    I get so hooked into the virtual world that I tend to forget to move. Summer helps me get going again.

  6. Enjoy the summer while you can. We all know it's short enough as far North as you are. I almost feel guilty that I'm not out enjoying summer more, but then here it is too hot and it is the Autumn that will find me outside more.

    I found a different postcard to send you and that will be out tomorrow. If you don't get that one I'm going to question the US Post Office.

  7. I'm sure it will brighten your day to know you were a hit in my portait class today. "Who's the guy with a bird on his head?" they asked. "Don't know," I said. Some Canadian who blogs.

  8. "... watching the sparrows fly in and out of their house seems like a more worthwhile use of time."

    You've definitely got the right idea, AC!! It's summer. Grab a glass of lemonade and enjoy.
