Tuesday, February 04, 2025

The Sock and the Dime

I appreciate your supportive comments yesterday. The crazy political situation does get me going sometimes. Now, onto our regularly scheduled programming. 

The pharmacy around the corner is one of those places that is lot more than just a pharmacy. On the weekend, we walked over on icy sidewalks and in bitter wind, our purpose being to purchase milk and Skittles. We'll have to watch that sidewalk ice and pick our times and spots better; the sidewalks hadn't been too bad until now.

The Skittles were for the boy's birthday, which is actually today. We'll meet over there for supper tonight.

The candy is a little extra gift so he has something to open aside from the one gift that we all chipped in on. You do remember the Christmas sock, right? → →

I say all of that to say this.

Upon completing our purchase, the cashier gave us a dime back after we had given him no money at all.

You see, we had a $10 couple from a previous shopping. The purchase came to $9.90, so after handing him the coupon, he handed 10 back.

I told him that we should do this every day.

I just thought that I would mention this unusual occurrence to you.


  1. I used to have a college profession who would use the phrase "beer and skittles" as a synonym for something pleasurable. Having consumed both, I'm not sure why it means that though I admit I've never had both at the same time.

    1. Since skittles is an old game something like modern bowling I guess, it must mean something like good times ... ah yes, looked it up → British
      amusement or enjoyment. "life isn't all beer and skittles"

    2. Thank you for the definition. I thought it referred to the candy and have never heard of the game of skittles. In the context of the latter, it makes a lot more sense.

  2. Ah, there's today's blog from you. For some reason (maybe I opened my page before yours published?) my link was to your yesterday's second post...but I found you! Skittles are something I've never acquired a taste for, so Jonathan can have my share !

    1. And so I posted my reply to your blog just to try to get everything back on track. I was a little later posting this morning.

  3. Skittles are pins as in bowling. The candy uses the name - are they shaped like bowling pins?

    1. I didn't think of the connection, but, no, they are just round.

  4. That is funny! Best kind of shopping, I'd say. I can just imagine those sidewalks. I had to be very careful in all our ice and snow, particularly as it melted. Very tricky going.
    Cool that you looked up beer and skittles. I have heard that saying, but I wonder if it was in a Brit book or movie...trying to remember if I have heard anyone actually say it.

    1. I often wonder about things and occasionally remember that we have google. 😎

  5. Don't tell anyone, but I have not had skittles. I know they are candy but that's all I know. The dime back is sort of cute.

    1. Oddly, JJ doesn't like most sweets.

  6. At my house this morning, the "looking up" was Fbo's response to our DIL's amusement that the evening meal she calls "dinner" is what he and I (and most people around here) call "supper." It's a cultural, locational, and historical thing ...

    1. I did get to your blog, but I didn't have a comment today.

    2. And lots of times I have no comment, or no reply to comments, so we're even! Or something like that.

  7. I'd call that a lucky day!

    1. I don't think they are supposed to accept it if we spend <$10, and I'm am pretty sure they are not suppose to give change. :)

  8. I am very glad to read that skittles are manufactured in Newmarket, Ontario. With all the political fall out, I was afraid Jonathon would have to find another favorite candy.

    I used to know a woman that cut out coupons, any coupons, hundreds of coupons. They used to have a cash value printed at the bottom of them. I don't know if that is still true. But I remember her. She was a struggling mother, who would take every coupon she could get her hands on to turn them in for cash. She certainly could not have been making a lot of money off of it.

    1. Do you have them in the States?

    2. Skittles are a Mars Candy product and made in Illinois down here.

  9. Skittles are not my thing unless they're M&Ms. LOL Happy Birthday to Jonathan! That's a good deal to get money back.

    1. They are very candy-ish as opposed to chocolatey.

  10. If only it were always so!

  11. Um, just what are skittles? Feeling quite stupid here.

    1. https://www.skittles.com/products/skittles-original-fruity-candy-single-pack-217-oz-skittles-chewy

  12. This sounds like a good activity to do. Like recycling of cans?

    1. It was a special seniors voucher this week.

  13. Oh, Canada! Money and Skittles for nothing!

    1. Well, since our $ isn't worth anything anyway. 😉

  14. Change from a coupon. Love it.

    1. It was weird. The cashier was a kid, so . . .

  15. I love that, too! Let's hear it for coupons and change!
