Wednesday, February 05, 2025

His 16th

As you know, if you got to yesterday's post, it was JJ's birthday. Shauna had a display put up in front of their house. On a little street with a busy background, I AI-ed in a snow scene backdrop. There was also a #16, but it had blown over in the fierce winds of the day.

Later, Sue got a photo with JJ and with the 16 showing.

As you know, I have been making birthday cards for the family for lo these many years. As the years go on, I have fewer and fewer current photos of the blighters, but I found just enough this year, but I am not sure if I have many more creations left in me.

back and front

Inside: Read from left to right, and then go to the second line,
and don't forget to include the sock message.
I have to tell you this because JJ got confused. 😊

At their house later, we had butter chicken for supper. Jonathan doesn't like cake, so he was proffered a big plate of cookies.

We all had chipped in to purchase a new VR headset. 

Finally: two of Sue's composites to top it off.

I am posting at 4:40 after a sleepless night. It happens form time to time. I have other blogs in the queue, and I might post another later because I am getting a bit of a backlog again. 😊


  1. It looks like a fabulous birthday! Belated greetings to JJ! I hope the new year is a good one.

  2. Happy birthday to JJ! And many more.

  3. Happy Birthday, JJ. Aloha from Hawaii. Cool photos, AC.

  4. Happy Birthday, JJ. William got a new VR headset for Christmas. He was very excited about this too. Where is the picture of the gorgeous aquarium from?

  5. Happy birthday to the hairy one. Young men sure can grow lots of hair! And they seem to like it dominating their appearance. (Speaking of a son and grandson who did the same in my family!)

    1. Mom was nagging him (and his dad) about a haircut.

  6. Great looking young man you have there. And a fun celebration.

  7. A milestone and yes....hide the car keys! Happy Birthday to JJ.

  8. Hard to believe! Happy Birthday, JJ!

  9. Your boy is growing up…hide the car keys indeed. Happy birthday, JJ.

  10. That child is growing up and looks so different! What a joy to celebrate together.

  11. 16 is a big one. He will be driving soon!

  12. Looks like an intimate celebration of JJ's birthday.

  13. Lucky guy to have all those cookies AND the VR headset!

  14. Hard to believe, isn't it? Jo is checking out McMaster and Queens during March Break, although he's got early acceptance to Carleton for astrophysics. Time flies.
