Sunday, February 23, 2025


Having finished supper and our tv hour or two, Sue headed upstairs whilst I tended to Lacey's fourth meal of the day, each meal consisting of 1/4 of one of those small tins. She likes to eat, but too much at one time is a waste.

After getting upstairs, and before I could sit down, Sue came into my den trying to tell me something, but she couldn't quite manage.

It went something like this.
In all of our married life, all fifty-five, almost 60 years, you have never . . . 

, , , much  laughter by Sue . . . 
This was repeated, probably 4 times before she could get out the rest of it.

You see, I never leave toilet seat up. Never. Not even when Sue is parked downstairs for the afternoon, and I am up here frequenting the commode to rid myself of lunchtime tea because tea goes right through me. Typically, I will have to pee three or four times after a modest-sized cuppa. I know milady is bound to remain down there, and I could theoretically lower the seat, but something within me prevents me from doing so. Frankly, I almost always lower the lid as well. I don't know why; I just do.

So . . . I had never not lowered the seat. Never once. Not in 56 years.

But with all of my sneezing and blowing, just this one time  . . .  well  . . I somehow forgot. Now, you see, Sue is prone to not bother turning on the light for a quick pee. I often tease her about peeing in the dark. 

So Sue didn't notice, and Sue sat down . . .  and down. Kerplop!

Why doesn't Sue turn on the bathroom light, you may ask. I can't explain fully, but I can tell you that she sees the world brighter than most of us. This is why you will seldom see her sans sunglasses in outdoor photos and even in some brightly lit  indoor venues: certain restaurants, for example. I don't know that I have ever said this out loud, but I have often said it to myself: "Sue would wear sunglasses at midnight it there were a full moon."


  1. Pretty good for 56 years, AC. Someone in this house is working on a similar record!

  2. That is a hoot. You are a wonderful couple.
    Joe gets up 2, 3, or 4 times a night, and we have a light sensor. He never, OK, seldom, leaves the seat up! It's a blessing, I tell ya!

  3. That's hilarious!

  4. That is hilarious, especially as Sue found it so as well!
    I have Hubby well trained, (or perhaps I should say that his Mother did the training) and also never turn on the bathroom light at night!

  5. That is a hoot. Thanks for that laugh! I sure loved it. I don't turn on the light to use the bathroom either, but there is a night light in there so it isn't ever really necessary.

  6. Oh I do feel for Sue, having at least once in the night when living with 3 dear sons at different times, had that cold awakening! But they did grow up, and one now is not only married to a woman, but has three daughters. As the lone guy in the household you'd better believe his seat lowering routine is well established.

  7. I never turn on the light in the bathroom at night. I know where everything is. I've fallen in a time or two, but it is my own fault. I never turn on the light in the bathroom at night.

  8. Oh no, a midnight dousing!
