Thursday, February 27, 2025

Council Chambers

I, unwittingly, added to my town hall project. Really, I didn't think about it until I was back home processing the images. You see, I had never thought of making interior photos part of the project.

Sue had been looking for material for a frames prompt. We were downtown, so she wandered inside town hall, thinking of, perhaps, photographing out through some of the windows, using the window as a frame.

An employee wandered by. We chatted a bit, and I wondered if we could have a look a council chambers. She unlocked the door, and Sue began to shoot this and that. After a few moments it dawned on senile AC that he could also get out his phone. Duh.

We couldn't monopolize the employee's time for very long, so I grabbed two quick shots and began to make my egress.

Here are the two shots. They required the removal of some distracting equipment and a few filters for finishing touches, but they are more than okay for phone photos.

So, I will add these photos to my project. Why I didn't think of it sooner, I knoweth not-eth.


  1. Those windows are especially beautiful. Pretty soon they'll be having an AC art show in their lobby with your series of photos!

  2. What a very 'official' looking place! Love how the light comes in through those marvellous bay windows. Too bad that big screen is up there blocking the full effect.

  3. Ah, I remember thinking I'd like to see from inside how the light looked from those windows...or some like them. It's pretty, and quite yellow actually. Not the most flattering shade of light for persons, but perhaps it reminds everyone that this is a place to be serious in.

  4. Glad you added these, they are great.
