Friday, February 14, 2025

The Big Snow

There wasn't as much snow as predicted, but there was enough to reduce mobility. Of course, school was cancelled, and Shauna's driveway was socked in enough that she  didn't venture forth to work. It takes much to keep her home because she wants to be a good example to her employees, but most of them do live closer. She did check that all was running smoothly, and when she got a good report, she made the decision to forego the rural highway drive.

Sue and I did go for our daily walk, but it was a somewhat truncated version. We walked on the road, not on the obliterated sidewalk. Our sidewalks do get plowed, but the town was a bit overwhelmed on that day. We didn’t go into the park but turned around and retraced our road-steps back to home. 

Sue walks the road and keeps her ears tuned for approaching vehicles.

Back home, the snow that the machine has blown is so high that some of it came tumbling back down onto the driveway. Sue had cleared much of it before I got out for the walk, but then I mugged for the camera and pretended to do my share.

The only way we could time getting the snow to fly off the shovel
was to put the phone into live mode and then extract
the frame that captured it.

I had Sue pose by the side of the driveway to show how high the snow is. We've had it higher than this at times in the past.

We expected our plow guys to make one more pass, so Sue messaged and asked them to try to blow the snow just a bit farther to avoid it tumbling back down into the driveway.


  1. Wonderland of snow you live in. Of course being able to go somewhere in case of need is not exactly wonderland stuff. It's beautiful, and quieter than normal. Loved your shot of throwing snow off the shovel. I couldn't even do that! It's just cold and clear here, dull browns and greys.

    1. I don’t mind the occasional storm and was almost wishing that this had been a bigger one. However, it isn’t helpful to our loved ones who have to be out on the road.

  2. That is enough snow for this winter! We’ve had enough too.

    1. It’s more than enough when it slips back onto the driveway.

  3. We need snow. We had a dry autumn and now very little snow. Not good. You did a great job hamming it up for the camera!

  4. That is a great shot of the snow flying off the shovel! I have shoveled very little this year, and have only been out to walk a couple times, as it just feels too risky with this knee. I sure admire the way you two get out there.
    That is a lot of snow, and I imagine it is fairly packed down too. I seem to remember when I started following you a couple years back that you had a huge amount of snow. I recall you digging out your tulips, I think?

    1. Yes, we had tulips growing under the snow.

  5. That is a lot of snow. More snow than we have at present. We've had a melt off or two in between. Our storm was blustery and steady, but not with a lot of accumulation. They are calling for round two to hit Saturday. It is William's 14 birthday Saturday night, and I hope that his party can happen.

    1. We are also bracing for another round.

  6. We have no front yard and face right onto the city sidewalk so there is no where to put all the snow except at the curb so the pile there is now about 3 feet tall. I am not looking forward to the next 2 storms this weekend.

  7. To me that's an incredible amount of snow! We got some too; I have only a dusting, John has about an inch and south of us, they have more.

    1. The problem becomes where to put the new stuff.

  8. We got our first real snow of the year, two weeks before my mental start of spring. I think we have had now 8 inches total for the year. Last year, I think we had somewhere around 36 inches total for the year which is probably closer to our average in these globally warmed up winters.

    1. Our winters vary a bit, and this is colder than usual, at least since early January.

  9. That is too much snow! I was flinging ice like that a couple of days ago. We haven't had a storm like that this year. Or for several years.

    1. We have a bit of a melt in some winters, but it has stayed with us in this cold this year.

  10. That is a lot of snow. I'm glad you both got home safely.

    1. More coming tomorrow. I worry abut Danica driving to work along the highway.

  11. With our relatively close proximity, we have a similar snow profile. Am I correct in assuming the HOA snow blows your driveway as part of your community? I have to move my own snow on the driveway (sadly), but I try to push it further back (like Sue suggested) whenever possible to avoid the avalanches back into the driveway. That are a pain to deal with.


  12. Soon you're gonna catch up with us. I have to pay to get the driveway blown out.

  13. You two are incredibly hearty! We got snow too, but our six inches is paltry next to yours!

  14. That is a lot of snow. Good that you still get a regular outdoor walk daily

  15. Beginning to look like 1978.

  16. And more forecast for Sunday. We may have to have the roof shovelled; at least JG has agreed to hire it done. One more year with him and the daughter up there sliding around and I would probably be demented. Or, more demented than I am.
    Waiting to see how Sue is taking to the new features on the phone.???

  17. My daughter missed the monster snow storm a few days ago. However, they had a water main break and 70,000 homes in her area are without water until tomorrow. And now they're expecting snow again.
    Thank you for your photos. They sure do bring back memories.

  18. It is a very white world. The snowbanks are tumbling back in after the plough goes by, and the road is getting narrow up here as well.

  19. The snow looks nice and white! Very fresh. We are now getting a snowfall, the first significant one this winter.
    At least you guys got out for some fresh air!
    Well done!
    Keeping the end of the driveway is always tough in a neighborhood. Most plow trucks just fill them in.
