Friday, February 07, 2025

The Shame Of It

Sue and I both received $200 cheques from the provincial government yesterday, but I have inserted a background photo of someone grimacing unhappily although I am not sure if one could grimace happily.

You might ask why $200 cheques would peeve us as well as a few million people, and it would be a fair question.

It's because it is a political stunt. We have a provincial election coming up very soon, and our grifting premier is attempting to buy us off with our own money. This is after almost 8 years of starving our healthcare system. Perhaps I should write underfunding rather than starving, but I am sure you get my point.

This jaded stunt will cost the province more than $3bln. Most Ontarians, or at least most that I know, would much rather have the money go into health care, or even education, heaven forbid.Premier Ford's shenanigans have probably cost the province an additional $3bln in greed and grift.

He's a Conservative, of course. He's a tRumper at heart although I will give him some credit for participating in standing up to the demented bully president in this latest brouhaha. Conservatives have done this vote-buying stunt before, and more than once: bribed us with our own money rather than using it for the betterment of society.

The other two times they did it, I donated the money to good causes in a spirit of defiance, and if I recall correctly I gave half of it to the opposing Liberal Party. I think the other half went to the lady who rescues cats on the last occasion, and I may have supported the food bank on the previous occasion which does go back a few decades. I plan to relent and use it for personal items this time around, but I will hold my nose while doing it and will feel somewhat shamed.

There was once a cartoon, where little cat said something like: "Oh the shame of it, my father was beaten up by a mouse." I no longer remember the specific cartoon, but I have always thought that was a funny line.


  1. That is ridiculous. What is going on with politicians? Here, the conservative government entered a deal with the NHL to promote tourism on the island and possibly host the NHL awards. It meant free trips to NHL games for members of the cabinet and their families. The government refused to say how much the deal cost the taxpayers. Finally we find out the deal cost about $8 million, a lot of money for a population of 270,000,

    1. I didn’t know about that, but I heard that Quebec City former ot a lot to have the Kings train there and play two games. I cannot remember if that was last year or for next. They can be prudent when they want about important things and generous when it strikes their fancy.

  2. I would not mind some extra cash right now.

    1. Given the circumstances, I mind quite a bit right now. Mind you, it would be grand to win the lottery.

  3. From my perspective, governments buy votes in a myriad of different ways from rebates such as yours to proposed 1rst time homeowner buying credits, student loan forgiveness, etc. Governments are full of ways of funneling money to where it is most effective in getting re-elected. I love your previous donation to the opposing party which completely defeated the purpose. We have gotten similar checks in the mail in the distant past, but I can't recall any money funneled directly my way for many many years. But then, I'm not in the target demographic of political leaders on both sides.

    1. I guess so, but this trick is just so obvious.

  4. The last time state money came my way was when a gop governor was trying to be reelected. After raiding the state pension funds for pet projects, sigh. Are they all alike or what?

    1. It may be so. Appealing to greed and selfishness comes naturally to cons. They this we're all like that.

  5. My doctor told me yesterday that the wait for an MRI to check for nerve damage in my arm will be five months. I may donate the $ to local health care. It really burns me that Ford is wasting money on an election now, when I guess we figured on next summer. Unfortunately, our local MPP is someone I know personally and rate as an excellent member. But, he is Conservative, of course that would happen.

    1. It's a foregone conclusion in this riding whatever you do. I wonder if rural Ontario will ever change.

  6. Well, here the greater good has no meaning. We are back to Manifest Destiny and all that. I'll be interested to know if the bribery works.

    1. I don't think it will change votes. Unfortunately, they probably just need to keep theirs.

  7. I come bearing gifts:

    I guess that I am disappointed that so many people will normalize outright bribes, sell out for what amounts to peanuts. The money could certainly be used for projects that would benefit the population rather than to benefit a politician who means to keep his job.

  8. Wow, I kind of liked the guy who set up kegs of beer outside polling places. That was George Washington.

  9. Here in West Virginia, corruption was blatant and rife at one time, like giving away bottles of liquor and money right at the polling places, paying people vote multiple times under the identity of long-dead folks, etc. Now I guess it's done differently, more difficult to see but still effective. For example, fixing roads in the year prior to an election, but otherwise neglect them shamefully.

  10. A hateful practice, whichever side is doing it.

  11. Yikes! That should be illegal, but watching what's happening here in the US, I think we are done with democracy and good sense.

    1. I am thinking that it is just about cooked down there. It is so sad.

  12. Sheesh. Did they think the citizens wouldn't see right through the ploy? Crazy.

    1. No, but I hope they do. But their core is strong.

  13. Cheap tricks, though quite expensive overall.

    1. It's only a few billion dollars. 😳😢

  14. The things they'll do when there's an election coming.

    1. Maybe we should have more elections. #notreally #kidding

  15. That's crazy! There are so many pressing needs yet they do that kind of stunt. Good sense has gone out the window. When we got money during Covid, I usually donated a part of it.

    1. I could see getting support during C, but there is no reason but one for this manoeuvre.

  16. I didn't get mine yet but may donate it to one of the hospitals but of course then some of it goes to fundraisers. Maybe a food bank instead.

  17. The cartoon was Sylvester Cat and included his son Junior, in the episode titled Mouse-Taken Identity. A young kangaroo is mistaken for a giant mouse and hilarity ensues as Sylvester engages with the kangaroo. 😊

    1. Good memory. Mine was vague. Debby sent a link, above.

  18. It is my understanding that supplementary monetary assistance exacerbates inflation, thereby further escalating the cost of living. Such actions cannot be regarded as sound policy, as they bear the semblance of bribery.

  19. I'm living under Trump rule. I don't recommend anyone to vote for anyone who even slight like Trump.

    1. We have a guy like that who wants to be prime minister.

  20. Alberta did this too, way back in the 1990s, but if I remember correctly, it was $400. We put the money in our kids RESP and then voted for someone else.

    1. Actually, maybe it was in the 2000s?

    2. Maybe it happened twice. It did with us.

  21. It is disgusting. We sent $200 to the women's shelter, and $200 to The Table.
