Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Bits of Snow on Bits of Town Hall

I finally got back to my town hall project, which I guess boils down to taking an unspecified number of photos throughout the year. Although I have taken many many photos of the building over the years, I will try to make them as unique as I can. In January, I took various views of the roof and flag, and I have intended for February to feature bits of pieces of the roof with some bits of accompanying snow cover. They don't have to be great photos, just photos of exploration, as it were.

We did have some snow over Saturday night, but not a lot. I did not have high hopes for much snow on the roofs, but we headed downtown regardless. I was correct about there not being a lot of snow, but I found a few bits and managed to include at least some snow in all four photos of this post.

Interesting windows and architecture

Then I took a close up of the clock tower. It was not 3 o'clock by the way. Maybe it will be reset in warmer weather, for I have sometimes seen the correct time or close to it.

Before moving on to my two other photos, for perspective, I'll post this one of me taking aim at the building. I was at a fair distance, trying to spot potential photos.

Sue suggested that I draw my attention farther down to the lower widows. Note: in developing all of these photos, I endeavoured  to bring out the textures.

I think that ↑ is my favourite photo of the shoot, but I zoomed in a little closer for this ↓ one, which I don't like as much. It looks a bit like a prison.

In point of fact, my two favourite photos of the morning were not of town hall, but I will save those two for another day.


  1. Things look very chilly up there! But I love the architecture! Beautiful buildings!

    1. It has been very cold for at least a month without the intermittent breaks that we get in some years.

  2. What a lot of curves and curlicues. One wonders what the designers were trying to emulate. Beautiful stonework as well. I don't envy the workers who may have to replace the roofing some day.

    1. My only wish is that there would be more colour in the stones.

  3. That roof looks as if there was a really creative roof-designer involved. It's incredible and I'm glad to see you recording some of the details. I vote with you on the pretty window and stone wall textures for today. I bet those windows are pretty from the inside.

    1. I think it is the best composition overall. I can’t usually tell which shot will work best until a look more closely in edit. But I don’t just show my best shots here because they are all part of the story.

  4. You did a great job with the textures. The buildings are really lovely. I had to smile -- you have the same gray/white skies we do and the one of you in your red jacket ALMOST looked like you added in your red jacket to a b/w photo!

  5. The building is majestic in my eyes. I agree, the last does look like a prison. A nice prison, but prison all the same!

    1. I didn’t see it until I saw it on the computer and even then not at first.

  6. I agree with you about favorite shot. What a lovely building! Our town hall does actually look like a prison.

  7. Creative way to stretch your photographic mind!

    1. I think it must be possible to keep taking slightly new photos of the old places.

  8. Perhaps you will photograph it throughout the seasons and there will be a show of your photographs at the town hall!

    1. We’ll forget the show but not the seasons. 😎

  9. The last two are my favorites. Love the pattern.

  10. I like the same one as you do.

    1. I can never tell which will be best when I am shooting.

  11. The snow adds another layer to the photos. Love them.

    1. Thanks. Big storm coming tomorrow.

  12. That is a beautiful building. I know the bell tower, but there is so much more there. Nice shots, and I love the black and white.

  13. You have snow on roofs; we have ice on everythig.

  14. The lines are interesting!

  15. I'm loving your red coat. It's a good idea so cars will notice you.
