Monday, December 09, 2024

She was Two . . . We Think

Before I drop a few more recent scans from old negatives, I would like to say a little more about the Kodak scanner. The first thing is that it isn't a true scanner but really takes a picture of your slide or negative, or at least that is the way that I understand it. If you have a high quality negative and wish to create a high quality image, perhaps to print large, this is probably not your best choice. If, however, you really just want to have digital copes of old negative or slides, it's a very good solution. You can digitize a lot of images quite easily and quickly, and the quality is good enough.

Now, for a few more photo. Shauna is a little older in these than the previous post. I think they were taken in 1975 when she was two years old, but I suppose it could have been late in 1974 or even early 1976. You can see a lot of degradation (ie shadowy blotches) from the negative and processing. I tried to clean up the scans as best I could, but my results were so-so. Still, it is nice to have them.

I did a little extra work on this next one. As you can see from the photos  above, the background wallpaper was pretty awful, so I made an AI replacement.


  1. Gorgeous photographs! What a pretty little girl and a lovely family group. I love to see photos of children giggling or pensive.

  2. Ah, so not a true scanner then. But I certainly see a place for it in homes that have lots of slides or film negatives. I once had an old manual slide/negative light box, much about the same size as the one above, that illuminated them but because it was pre-computers, had no way to record anything. It just allowed me to quickly sort through a box of slides or negatives and pick out ones for further processing.

    1. That is what this is, but then you can press a button and have an instant digital image.

  3. Those turned out great. I will have to look into that as I have some amazing slides that were taken a LONG time ago by my father.

  4. Great gadget, letting me see you all with your hairs all beautiful (well, mainly Sue) and what trousers you wore!

    1. I was very cool, I'll have you know.

  5. I love seeing these rescued photos. They're lovely!

  6. That outfit, AC! Boy, those were the days. Great photos, and it must be a joy to see them again.

  7. These are wonderful.

  8. Just as I'd forgotten about plaid pants... Linda in Kansas

  9. Beautiful Family. Blessings 💞🙏🏽

  10. Nice to look back in time. Were plaid pants really a thing? Or was that just your preference?

    1. You don't remember the early 70s? Tsk tsk.

  11. Very good; I'm impressed. I don't know how to use AI. I tend to use my iPhone, because I bought a new computer and don't have Photoshop Elements anymore, so I can't use my camera anymore.

    1. The iPhone is fine and you can edit with it well too.

  12. Ah, I remember plaid pants! Beautiful child, beautiful parents. I really like the last photos, she is a gorgeous little girl.

    1. Now you could get arrested by the plaid police. :)

  13. Those are beautiful photos! The plaid pants and hair--so very '70s and '80s.

    1. Things were calming down by the end of the 70s IIRC.

  14. Such a good old memory collection

  15. Your gizmo is fascinating and I am messaging Santa. Also, great cleanup and background removal. You might consider removing those slacks you have on, hmm???

  16. Nice tie and pants!

  17. I need to know who did the loving smocking on that dress. These pictures are a social history!

    1. That would have been her maternal grandmother, Sue's mom.

  18. Oh gosh... These are absolutely precious!
