Wednesday, December 11, 2024

Out of Our Trees

As is often the case, I was photographically governed by Sue's photo needs. On this day, she required a photo of a tree. It wasn't a great day either for photos or photographers, but off we went regardless. We have several fine trees in Riverside park, so we navigated the snow on the ground and the significantly chilling winds. Of course, I have photographed these trees before, so to be different I took my wide angle lens and stooped close to the ground and shot upwards for a slightly different look.

I am on my way to the tree near the boat launch ↓ at the far end of the park, and I got what I got.

We moved on. In the middle of the park are several tress, willows I guess, that dip into or close to the water in season. This is one of the three.

But this ↓ is the grand old lady. She's a worn down old girl who has suffered damage in recent years. I hope she makes it through the winter. In the second photo, I was approaching the same tree from the other side. I did try pictures from that side, but the lighting was hard, and I wasn't pleased with the result, not that any of these images are stupendous.

Fortunately, we did this shoot on Sunday. Even though it was windy and chilly then, it was absolutely blizzarding the next day.


  1. The second to the last one is pretty neat. It speaks volumes about this tree and how tough it has had it.
    Winter is good as you said for shooting the 'bones' of the trees.

    The third one also caught my eye. I'd try both in black and white just to see how stark I could make them. Very good job at finding a tree to shoot!

    I have some places I'd like to drive to where there is a lonely single tree in the middle of a farm tree. I don't have anything like that near us though. Happy shooting!

    1. B&W would probably work, but the blue sky showed up well.

  2. It does look very cold...even the water is iced over? Grand old trees, especially the old survivor.

  3. Wonderful... I'm happy to see your trees and the wonderful snowy landscape... I'd love to get my skis out :-)))
    Luckily, there are a few snowflakes dancing outside where I live and it looks litt powdered white.
    Happy time to you both and a hug from me. Viola

    1. I hope you get to ski this winter.

  4. The bare trees have such character! Love them. Great shots!

  5. Those trees remind me of bonsai. The Japanese would find it interesting.

  6. Well, good for you for venturing out in such weather. Your cameras must be pretty hardy, too.

  7. At least you have a 'proper'winter. Our winters in the south of England tend to be damp and grey. The occasional bright day with blue sky and sun is a blessing.

    1. When the snow falls in December, it is quite possible that we will remain covered until April, even if it gets milder and rainy, like today. This is tens to be the case where we are in Eastern Ontario. When we were in the southwest of the province, it would tend to come and go more.

  8. Where's my comment??

    1. Thanks for the heads-up. I always see them and don't catch that they are spam until later. Today, Blogger in its infinite wisdom put 14 comments in spam, going back to Nov 15. None of them were, spam, of course.

  9. Winter is a great time for shooting trees. Especially with the snow that you have.

  10. Great shots of trees in snowy landscape. I like when there is some blue in the sky, so the monochrome has a bit of contrast. These trees definitely give you contrast between the ground's covering of white...and their geometry is pleasing. You captured some good ones.

    1. The wind was blowing hard, but the blue in the sky was excellent.

  11. I enjoy the winterscape, the snow and bare trees, I like them all.

  12. I love that tree. Her picture should be called 'Bent but not Broken'. A good metaphor. May it be so for all of us.

  13. Last week we took a drive out Cobden way, looking for a tree the locals call the spooky tree. The day had a blue grey cloud bank, but sun and snow. I thought it would be a perfect photo. We were so sad to discover Spooky Tree, a local landmark, has been cut down.

  14. I love that first willow shot--magical somehow. Like some kind of creature reaching down into the water. (ice?)

    1. It's icing up now. The centre of the river will remain open because there is a current upstream due to narrowing of the channel.

  15. The Winter images are beautiful, but truth be told….. I am ALREADY tired of the cold! And, we have until April! (sigh)

    I have to figure out a plan to ENJOY Winter again!!!!! Somehow.


    1. It does go on and on. It's getting colder again today after some milder weather for a few days.

  16. You were smart to get out in good time. Tonight looks miserable. I worked my butt off doing the driveway and it's still got ice!

    1. It was a necessity. Otherwise, I wouldn't have been out there.

  17. You're a hard working photographer.

    1. Ah, I don't know Red. It was a quick outing, and I don't tend to bother with my tripod much any more.

  18. Those leaning trees are great shots.

    1. Thank you. They are marvellous specimens.

  19. The red jacket wins again. You do have some fine old twisty trees there. I like the first shot the best, not sure why except for the water.

    1. I guess I just have better shots of that tree, especially during flood season, but then again, I possibly have better photos of the other trees too. However, I'm glad you brought my attention back to it. It's better than I had thought.

  20. That bent tree is so handsome. And those blue skies, fantastic. Haven't seen that color sky around here lately!

  21. Oh wow! I can't believe that tree is still hanging on. THAT is definitely perseverance.
