Friday, December 20, 2024

My Audacious Pants

When I left the house yesterday to visit the boys for a kaffeeklatsch., Sue followed me out the door and demanded that I stop for a picture.

As soon as I arrived, Nick made a similar demand.

It was the pants, you see. My pants, indoors or out, are always plain, except for maybe bedtime and Christmastime. And since it is Christmas time, I decided to let my hair down, so to speak, but not my pants I'll have you know. No, those pants stayed up — flamboyantly so. And so the local paparazzi insisted on recording the occasion, likely for future extortion.

You may also note that my hands are weird in the second photo. I had my thumbs up but just put thems down, for I realized that thumbs-up gesture has been forever spoiled by . . . well . . . you know who.

As is her wont, Sue fancied up several versions. I'll keep one for actual Christmas, perhaps, but I will post this one for now.


  1. Oh my! I have the same pants sort of...they are made for gals though! They are so comfortable!
    Yes on the thumbs up thing. I don't even do that any more.
    Thank you for making me smile so much this morning!

  2. I don't have any wild looking pants but I did break out a Hawaiian shirt this summer for the first time. It drew some attention so I guess I'm a fairly conservative dresser.

    I assume you were referring to this picture?

    Just kidding of course.

    1. But of course ... not. It's a natural move, but I will try to break with nature.

  3. It looks as if the small person to your right is attempting to give your pants a tug! I think Sue has found next year's Christmas card!

  4. The pants win the prize..if you're in comptetition to be a Santa's helper in best/wildest pants!

  5. These are pajamas?? Very festive!

    1. Sometimes yes, sometimes no. They're good for kicking around the house in season.

  6. I love those pants and I want a pair! Now thumbs up is completely ruined for me. My sluggish brain did not make the connection until now. I knew exactly who you meant.

  7. For all of the urology stuff you've gone through, you deserve to wear whatever pants you want! Looks warm and comfy. (WHO is the shadow in the window behind the curtain? Looks like Christmas Past ghost. And the little standing angel girl looks like she wants a set of clothes like your's, reaching out to grab you it appears.) Linda in Kansas

    1. More to go. Looks like the next go-round will be in April or May.

  8. Very jolly and why not?

  9. Good to see you having holiday fun very sharp! Yes, thumbs up has been temporarily ruined

  10. Those pants look festive AND comfy!!

  11. Red colour really stands out though. Merry Xmas!

  12. Love your whole outfit, even the hockey jersey.

  13. LOVE the pants, AC! You rock them! (And they remind me that my dad had Christmas pants too -- a red plaid. Yours are far more cool, but dad wore his every year.)

  14. Those pants are certainly noticeable. At least you had pants.

  15. Merry Christmas, AC. The outfit is perfect!

  16. I would count those trousers as pajamas. Are they flannel? Then PJ's for sure
