Wednesday, December 04, 2024

Drummer Girl

It was Sunday afternoon. With time on my hands I checked out some old photo folders with the idea of doing some re-editing. After a few trials and subsequent rejects, I landed in April 2010 where I found several photos of Danica beating her toy drum. I decided to merge them into one composite, and then I decided to ask AI to make a stage around her. After that step, I applied some filters and ended up with these two versions. Of course I like th colour version best but Blogger inserted it second. I could fiddle with that, but I won’t this time.

Jonathan was 14 months old at the time, so he wasn't barging around beating the drum. He was mobile, but not in this photo, which is also a bit of a re-edit.

And . . . just for a laugh . . . you've heard of Elf on the Shelf . . . but here is . . . 

I've seen several similar posts recently playing on this theme of alternates to elf on the shelf, but this is the only one, so far, that I have stopped to capture and share. I'll keep my eye out for more.


  1. I think it will be fun to watch for your Elf on the Shelf alternative posts! Jonathan looks like a cherub in that photo!

  2. I like the color one the best, too. You are very talented, AC.

  3. Oh what a cutie she was as drummer! And Jonathan and those curls! He sure outgrew them! Photo-wise I also like the color best.

  4. Honey on the bunny!! 😄 I'll be contrary. I like the B&W best. Cuties, both of them.

  5. You are a hoot.
    What time do you post? I usually do it when I get it together, 7 a.m., but that depends.
    I do not know how I keep missing your posts in my news feed!

    1. I was up before 5 this morning, but I had it ready to go although i made a few little edits. It is not that I want to get up so early, you understand. 🤓

  6. Great old shots. Love honey on the bunny.

  7. All great photos, AC, bringing a smile this morning. Thank you.

  8. I like the drummer images. What part of it was AI? How do you feel about AI associated with photographic imagery?


    1. The AI part was the background stage. The compositing, lighting etc was my editing.

  9. Love your creativity in editing these photos. I should do the same in my spare time

  10. I like the colour version too, but would cut the yellow transit somewhat, if it would not spoil the values as a whole.
    JG was a gorgeous and photogenic baby.
    You are certainly getting the software under your control.

  11. Cute photo of Danica and very appropriate for this time of year. I'm so happy to have missed the elf on the shelf craze. Ugh. Not my style at all.

  12. Nice edits and composites. The one of Jonathan is adorable. Honey on the bunny? How about Beer on the steer? Or gorse on the horse? Or...I better stop!

  13. Lovely composites. Old photos hold so many memories.

  14. I'm late on this but I sure laughed aloud when I figured out Honey on Bunny.
    Love those edits too!
