Sunday, December 21, 2008

Christmas Past

Because I have been otherwise occupied lately, I haven't posted very much, but I thought I would like to see what I have posted around Christmastime in past years.

Above: from my first blogging Christmas in 2004 and actually posted on Christmas Day of that year. Cuppa had made strings of popcorn and berries for the birds when we were at the cottage. That brought the chickadees, and we enjoyed many close encounters in the subsequent days and weeks.

Below: in the subsequent year, 2005, I posted a Christmas Card. It was one that I had made previously and had on my website.

Above: Thesha, Cuppa and AC are all decked out in red as they collaborate on Christmas breakfast in 2006.

Below: photos from December 2007: a very snowy month. The first was taken from the back door, and I am shovelling by the front door in the second. The final photo is from the road at the front of Riverwood (the cottage).


  1. 2007 looked like a snowy year. I would like to have seen that. The photos are beautiful.

  2. If you're anything like me, you're blogging less because you're living more, and that's a good thing!

    ...don't forget to snap a few pics this Christmas for next year's post! :P

  3. Anonymous6:10 am

    was a nice wander back through Christmas past! :o)
    You three looked lovely and ready to tuck into breakfast. I'm not liking the look of 2007's snow... will there more on Christmas 2008? Watch this space!
    Merry Christmas to you all and thank you for allowing me to share in your days! Daffy xx

  4. Much as I love snow, I suppose it does get a bit much when you shoveling and shoveling. . .meters (or yards) of it.
    Cheers--for the season and the New Year.

  5. MMMMMmmmmm... popcorn. :)

    Merry Christmas Juncle!
    I hope you are having a great time with the A team, and look forward to seeing you in the new year.

    Lots of love,

  6. That last photo is pretty to look at, but not much fun to drive through in real life, I know ;) Crazy amounts of snow here again this winter.

    The popcorn chain is a great idea--would be a fun project to do with my boys :)

  7. That first shot especially of the Chickadee is sweet. (Sweet as in cool, not as in sugary.)

  8. Popcorn and cranberries...must do! I haven't done that since I was about eight years old. A nice set of memories.

  9. Anonymous10:17 am

    Part of the joy of Christmas is visiting the magic of Christmas's Past. Wishing you and yours many more wonderful Christmas memories of the season about to unfold.
