Back here, at the time of the equinox, almost two weeks ago, I posted some observations about spring not really arriving in these parts until around May. But I also posted a photo of daffodils beginning to grow around that time, and now I am have posted the one above. As you can see, there's been a lot of growth in two weeks.
Then, I saw my first robin on the weekend, and since that we have heard them and other birds chirping, singing, and calling to one another. It's so great to hear the birdsong when we go out for our almost daily walks. We generally walk the neighbourhood just after sunset, but the first hour of darkness does not seem to diminish the enthusiastic and delightful avian harmonies.
Other plants, aside from spring bulbs, are growing; even summer and fall plants are poking themselves above ground — barely but truly. Cuppa and I are starting to get out on little bike rides. The ride today was windy and difficult in spots when we encountered ground that was still a little mushy. Wind plus mushy ground conditions make for difficult pedalling. Nevertheless, we are starting to get out there with a certain amount of regularity.
What I am saying is that the signs are here, and I am recanting my earlier position, to some degree at least. I now admit that it really is spring: early spring but spring nonetheless. Later in the season we will begin to enjoy those idyllic days of gentle, warm weather, those days that lift the spirit in their unique way. Meanwhile, despite the occasional setback, the weather continues to improve, continues to be much better than it was.
We eagerly wait for spring come late winter, so I'm not about to look past the offerings of these days in the anticipation of warmer and better days. I'm determined to enjoy the very real perks of early spring: longer days, the milder temperatures, the soon-coming flowers, the budding of the trees, and the birdsong at eventide and all the day long.
I have given by head a shake and now remind myself not to look past today in the anticipation of a possibly brighter tomorrow. I must live in the present and relish today's gifts, for there is no certainty beyond this moment. Life is but a series of present moments, and when I look past them, I cheat myself of much.
I would love it if there were plants growing in our gardens. We are still at -25 with several feet of snow on the ground. The only daffodils I have seen in the last 2 weeks are the ones I bought for the Cancer Society drive and gave to my wife. Spring is just a date on a calendar for us. On the bright side (no pun intended) we are up to 14 hours of sunlight per day and gaining an hour per week.
ReplyDeleteI think it's spring here for sure. I'm still afraid to pack up the winter clothes just yet, though.
ReplyDeleteWhy do you suppose that daffodils come out so early? They are everywhere where we used to live. They are such pretty flowers!
So true! And the gifts of each day are there -- but you can't just look, you have to see. One of the greatest gifts my husband ever gave me was taking the time to teach me to really see what was around me.