Saturday, July 14, 2018

... Then I Have Not Done

Back in prehistoric times when I was in first year uni, our required English course was Major British Writers. In this survey sort of course, I found that I quite liked the poetry of John Donne, who played with words a little.

The first stanza of A Hymn to God the Father:
Wilt thou forgive that sin where I begun, 
         Which was my sin, though it were done before? 
Wilt thou forgive that sin, through which I run, 
         And do run still, though still I do deplore? 
                When thou hast done, thou hast not done, 
                        For I have more. 
You see the word play, don't you: Donne/done?

The line, in slightly modified form as above in the title, comes back to me every so often. For example: when I think I am done with a photo or photo project, I more often than not find myself returning to it.

So, it was earlier today that I found myself being drawn back to my recent Celtfest photos. I worked on a few composites and then a b&w conversion.

As I have mentioned earlier, I have seldom if ever seen bass fiddles at Celtfest; this year there was one in two consecutive bands.

I think I also mentioned  Anita McDonald if not by name. She was a triple threat as it were: vocals, fiddle, and step dancing.

The fiddler, Dave Neigh, of the headline band, Steel City Rollers, also drew my attention.

The mono conversion is of guitarist Ben Deschamps, of Heather Dale's Band. I tried to give it a bit of a gritty look.

I wonder if I am finally done, for I am most certainly not Donne.


  1. John Donne threw his name around, wantonly. And asked not for whom the bell tolled. Well, yes, he did ask, and answer.

  2. I like the last photo especially.

  3. the last is my favorite, too. The B&W compliment the lines in his rough face. :)

  4. I love those lines of the John Donne poem.

    I like the composition of the triple threat (as it were), but love it even more if they photos were blended more instead of those hard borders. I think.

  5. I frequently visit my photos from years back just to see what new damage I can do.

  6. You do fine composites.

  7. Oh, but you are having fonne.
