Monday, September 23, 2013


Empathy: the action of understanding, being aware of, being sensitive to, and vicariously experiencing the feelings, thoughts, and experience of another ...
That's me, you know: an empathetic sort of guy. Kind of a sentimental slob. At least at times.

I can remember bawling my eyes out over a death scene on some Walt Disney show when I was ~11. I can no longer tell you the name of the particular show, but it involved a lingering death scene with a schmaltzy farewell by he who was about to part from this veil of tears. I had to leave the room for a wee bit of a sniffle (alright, it was a full blown sob), and my dad followed me to tell me that it wasn't real. Well, I knew that, but it got to me anyway.

I'm still a bit that way. Some of the reality singing and dance shows leave me wiping my eyes when they feature a person on who has overcome much adversity.

And it's just as well that Oprah is off the air, because some of her stories would also find me dabbing discretely at the corner of my eyes.

So, there you have it. I am an older guy, but not a crusty older guy. Go ahead and make fun of me if you want to. It doesn't matter because I don't cry for myself, just in empathy with others.


  1. I think age also has a lot to do with our tendency to tear up a bit more now. I know I catch my husband's eyes watering a bit at the more moving Budweiser Clydesdale commercials or sad story on the news. Not that I'd ever bring it to his attention or anything, since that might impugn his manhood. ;)

  2. I'm the same way; the older I get (and who's old? :)) ) the more this seems to happen. I tend to think of it as my heart continues to soften toward/for the plight of others. That's a good thing.
    Warm smiles,

  3. any of the disney films with animals make me cry.

  4. I totally admire a person who can cry.

  5. Not at all. I can relate very well...:)

  6. Never thought of you as not being just a crusty guy, John, and about that older part . . .

  7. Frank told me that he knew there was such a thing as male menopause when he took his kids to see The Lion King and he sobbed his way through the more emotional scenes. People who lack this kind of empathy scare me.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. (I will try to get all of my spelling correct this time.) Thank you for this post. I began my day laughing out loud!
