Sunday, September 22, 2013

Dinner Guests

I fell off my easy chair long enough to invite the extended family over for dinner and then to cook for them. I received much attention, especially from Danica, who is featured in these photos. Sue will likely post some others.

I seemed to get quite a bit of lap time. I didn't mind too much. At this point she was asking me the days of the week in French. She had already listed them in English and wished to write the French names beside them

I wish I could remember why I looked so puzzled, but this is not an unusual look for me.

Of course, a busy girl can only concentrate for so long. This is how life with Danica goes. I swear, she could tire out 10 consecutive babysitters in short order.

We have our moments though. She's the pretty one btw.


  1. While she is learning the days of the week in French she should learn the phrase "joie de vivre". She has it!

    Does your family speak French?

  2. What beautiful photos!
    Makes my heart smile....
    The warmth of love shines through.

  3. she's adorable. :) thanks for stopping in today!

  4. Yes she Is so pretty...And an intellectual at that! Smart cookie!

  5. What a beautiful little girl. I'm a sucker for brown and white polka dots on little girls practicing their French:)

  6. I've never had a dinner guest upside down on my lower legs, but it looks enough like fun that I may try it.

  7. Saw the guests, but what about the dinner? That last photo was charming. And, I enjoyed all the previous posts about waiting for the school bus as tonight it catch-up time for blog reading. We arrived today in Mississauga after spending the day visiting with friends in Dunville.
