Tuesday, January 24, 2023

Rough Game

After two months of no hockey photos, I took my camera to the second game in less than a week. It was a tough game and quite a loss for the boys. Even though hockey is designed to be a non-contact game at this level, much chippy, rough stuff goes on. This is true against some teams more than others, and Sunday night's opponents were one of those teams. Our guys are usually well-behaved, but they got their share of retaliation penalties, and their coach was not pleased.

I took this photo of the entrance before I went inside. As you can see, it was another snowy evening.

I stand in the corner of the rink and photograph whatever action comes before me, and I don't always get photos of JJ, but this is one. He seems to be doing a fancy cross-over step.

I guess this is my favourite photo of the game, but I didn't get too many to choose from. It's the unique contortion that appeals to me. That's Danica (right) and her step sister in the background.

These were okay too,

Win or lose, I hope the next game is a little less rough.


  1. The first photo reminded me of that famous painting of the diner ... I know yours isn't a diner. I like the action photo of JJ with the fancy cross over foot work.

  2. You got some great shots!

  3. Fancy footwork, JJ, or skate work.

  4. I know JJ appreciates your photos. Something he can show his kids one day.

  5. These are just great action photos (except no. 1 of course). That cross over step, and the next one...just fabulous.

  6. Great action shots! I hope no one gets hurt in those physical games. A hockey stick can be a convenient weapon.

  7. JJ must love that shot of him. Super.

  8. Really exceptional action shots!

  9. Your sports composition is superb. I am not a sports person, so take that with a grain of salt.

  10. Hockey guy seems to be getting taller... some pro teams are known for being nasty beyond the padded gear. Linda in Kansas

  11. Your photos show some great intensity.

  12. Some great action shots
    Coffee is on and stay safe

  13. Yes, I like the contortion one also. You do get some great stop action. I guess the 'rough' is a coaching thing - or it was in the basketball I played. If the coach allowed it, there was illicit and surrepticious (?) jabbing with elbows and hooking with feet, also, the players being female, hip shoving. Just some teams, and if you looked, you could see the coach look away. Ours gave us a real lecture if we started that kind of thing.
    Just saying. That was a loooong time ago.
