Sunday, January 15, 2023

Phantosmia Again?

Way back in March, I posted that I was smelling gasoline when, as verified by others, no such odour existed. We narrowed it down of the side effect of a medication and learned that the phenomenon could be called phantosmia. That's the term that I learned from the Mayo Clinic website although it was a new word to my doctors. (It is also a new word to spellcheck.)

I ceased taking that medication, not just for that reason, but also because it didn't seem to be benefitting me, and I never experienced smelling phantom gasoline again.

Now, I am wondering if I am experiencing phantosmia in a different way. In point of fact, it would be twice again because I also experienced it some time ago – well before Christmas, I believe.

On these occasions, it is neither unpleasant nor traceable to any medication as far as I can ascertain, for I am not on any new meds.

It is a pleasant odour this time: something like Chantilly perfume (that Sue used to wear), or maybe an aromatic talcum powder, or sometimes maybe even something pleasant that might be cooking on the stove. But none of these things are really occurring.

As I research phantosmia, once again, I don't find much new information, and most sites describe the odours usually associated with it as being unpleasant. However, this one of mine is not unpleasant. While phantosmia could be due to a "neurological or psychiatric disorder," I rather doubt that is the case with me, and I don't think it is worth pursuing with my doctor.

It went away after a few days before, and it probably will again.

I may even miss it when it's gone.


Jenn Jilks said...

That is peculiar. AFter my mom died, JB kept smelling cleaning products or pine. He thinks it was mom sending me a message. Clean the house, and she loves Christmas!

Marcia said...

Maybe because it's a pleasant odor people don't report it. That's why all you read is about the unpleasant odor. Never have had that sensation.

Barbara Rogers said...

Interesting phenomena! And here knowing it's all in your head doesn't make it anything to worry about, at least you don't seem worried. So I'm not either.

Ed said...

Sometimes I smell things that I wonder if they actually exist or not. For example, recently I used a gas station bathroom while on a road trip. It smelled exactly like Fruity Pebbles cereal. I have never been in a men's public bathroom that smelled what I would call good, much less like Fruity Pebbles.

DJan said...

I have occasional phantosmia. I usually have some chemical smell intruding in my daily activities that should not be there. It's not usually awful, but sometimes it is, and I can't do anything about it, which is the hard part. It does go away eventually.

Red said...

Kinda weird and wonderful at the same time. Don't let it drive you crazy!

peppylady (Dora) said...

I think we all every so often a scent will come our way. Why? It unknown.
Coffee is on and stay safe

Joanne Noragon said...

If it doesn't bother you, let it go.

William Kendall said...

Very odd.

PipeTobacco said...

I wonder if it might be from something stored from when those smells were common? Perhaps you wife had recently unpacked and used an old purse that smelled of that perfume… z or some such thing like that…. And it is lingering?

Margaret said...

I'm glad that it's a pleasant smell this time at least. I'd never heard of this phenomenon!

Marie Smith said...

If you are going to have these phantom smells, it is good they are pleasant now, at least!

Jeanie said...

Well, I wouldn't be missing the gasoline but yes, you might miss it. On the other hand, you might smell heating soup, baking bread or garlic!