Monday, January 02, 2023

Ordinary Times

Not much going on here in Anvilcloudia. We usually do a family supper on Mondays, but we are totally unprepared today. A pizza party has been suggested, but I don't know. On one hand the kids probably get plenty of pizza. On the other hand, it is something that they will eat, especially the very picky JJ.

The exhaust system in our 2010 Honda CRV, Hermione the Honda, is on its last legs. But our ex SiL is in need of borrowing it tomorrow because his auto requires an even more crucial repair.  He starts a new job tomorrow and needs to attend a meeting about an hour away. I hope Hermione holds up. I would try to get it fixed today, but staff will be in short supply since Monday becomes a day off for most workers in lieu of New Years which landed on a Sunday. This is why he can't get his own vehicle fixed today. He helps us out a lot, especially with computer woes, so we must return he favour. Fingers crossed.

I saw a FB post claiming that the sun would set at 7pm in 39 days. It seemed early, so I googled. I am not going to look again, but I think that it isn't going to happen until March 12, the first day of Daylight Savings time. Too bad. Meanwhile, it looks rather March-like out with the somewhat mild, above freezing temperatures and with the snow accumulation greatly diminished after the rain.

A Comic for Grammar Nerds: not that I qualify, but I try.


  1. We do find our vehicles want to have problems at the most inconvenient times! I agree on Commas!

  2. Vehicle troubles are a pain for sure. There is a reason a muffler is part of an exhaust system!

  3. Love the comic!

  4. Had to read the comic twice. Then got it!

    I know about picky eaters. Oldest granddaughter is living mostly on white foods (potatoes, pasta, chicken, sugar) though peanut butter and chocolate are liked too.

  5. I like commas but don't use them well in English. German has such clear rules for their use, it is much easier. I mostly "speak" in my head and place the commas where I might take a breath....

    I hope your car is fixed soon.

  6. I've driven several vehicles to the point of falling apart and I've never had an exhaust system replaced. Every time I have suggested it, the exhaust repair guy just tells me to let him have at it and usually it costs me a twenty and a half hour of time and it is good to go for the next couple years. I would hate to see what it looks like underneath but as long as it holds up, I guess I don't care.

  7. I know exhaust systems are critical but will the car still run if there are issues with it? I'm no expert, obviously. The sun sets at different times depending on the latitude so I doubt that we Northern people will see 7 pm for a while.

  8. Eats, Shoots and Leaves. Yes.

  9. My son was just laughing recently about how young people don't use punctuation anymore.

  10. Hope that Hermione holds up for your ex son in law to get to his appointment. My 2007 is due for annual inspection/registration next month and I always hope that there are no mechanical issues found. Of course, I would get them repaired, but not having any found would be preferred. Punctuation can change the meaning of any sentence.

  11. Cars. My sympathies. We're taking ours in tomorrow for oil change etc., in advance of a trip. There goes another $200.

  12. Oh my. I just LOVE that cartoon!

    Pizza is always a good idea!

  13. The Grammar Police!

  14. Comics tell a true tale of the society these days

  15. Good luck to your Son in law at the new job. My husband is forever correcting punctuation and/or grammar on blogs he reads.

  16. Commas are such pesky little things. I'm forever going back through writing to pick out commas. They just seem to get everywhere.

  17. Many a word has been written about messing with grammar!

  18. I love grammar but I'll never be a "grammar nazi." I also love Dad jokes and this comic is a fine one.

  19. Best grammar comic ever! (I have a t-shirt that says "I'm silently correcting your grammar.") I should give it to Rick and maybe that would remind him to be a little more silent about it!
