Friday, June 29, 2018


I promised some ICM (Intentional Camera Movement) photos from my brief wildflower shoot on Wednesday morning -- the one sandwiched between two bicycle rides.

I applied a texture overlay on this one just for interest sake: my own interest mainly.

I also added texture to this next and final shot, which is the photo (of this type) that I like best from the morning, although I think this one was probably better without. It doesn't really matter though as it is all fun and experimentation anyway.

In other news, we will be heading out to breakfast a little later with Sha and the kids: the delayed Fathers Day breakfast. Then we might hibernate for about a week as we are into our first big heat wave of the summer. It will be quite hot and very humid on top of that, so we'll really be feeling it. Canada Day is also this weekend. I'll want to take some fireworks shots, even if it is from my bedroom window again. But I do hope to get to a different vantage point this year.


Marie Smith said...

We will be having heat and humidity starting tomorrow. I hope we get a bit of a breeze with it. It will be the only thing to make it bearable. We east coast people aren’t accustomed to heat and humidity.

Happy Canada Day to you and your family AC. Enjoy your special breakfast too.

Silver in AZ said...

I like the first show the best; 'manly' or not. LOL Keep cool! I think we have given up on fireworks this year. Either too far to get a good view, or too many people. Think we are going to settle for a nice restaurant BBQ, and the new Jurassic Park movie instead.

Jenn Jilks said...

I'm fighting a horrid head cold, but looking forward to sitting in my luxurious kiddie pool!

Jim said...

Interesting photos! We're in the midst of an extreme heat wave and warning here in north-central Indiana right now. Thank goodness for air conditioning. It is making it harder on the little league baseball teams and the parents and grands and aunties and uncles that are attending the many games in the final tournament. And wouldn't you know that my grandson Riley's team has won all their games so far, so keep on playing. Looks like they will end up in either first or second place when all is said and done. Riley has certainly improved mightily since the season began. What fun to go watch! (Except maybe tonight when it's going to be 90+ degrees even at sundown! They are done playing about the time the sun gets over the horizon. LOL!)

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

Very colorful effect with those wildflowers, John, and some may be useful for backgrounds. Happy celebrating to you this weekend as we here in the U.S. will be celebrating our holiday this coming Wed. Yes, it will be very hot here in the U.S. and in Nashua, NH as well as many other states. We're expected to get into the mid 90s and stay there for a number of days. We too will be lying low indoors but hopefully will be able to venture out for a couple of fireworks displays.