Saturday, June 16, 2018


Last weekend, we journeyed to Perth to watch Sue's grand nephew (the son of her nephew, whatever the proper name is. I can never get it straight.).

The dad, Matthew, was a good friend of our daughter, Allyson. And she was his attendant at his wedding, his best man as it were.

After years of living quite far away, Matthew and family have settled in Kingston, which is only about an hour and a half away from us. Still, it's not exactly a quick drop in, so we don't see them very often. But when his son had a ball game only a half hour away, we couldn't pass t up.

Here are father and son, and son is about the age of Matthew when he used to visit us for a week or so in summer. I think he visited twice. Gotta how the circle has spun around.

And a few more.

And they're back in another nearby town today for another game, so we're going again along with Sha, Dani and JJ. It will be nice for the cousins to have a little visit although Lucas will be mostly involved in his ballgame.


  1. Tall young man! Wonderful family connection!

  2. Curious...what was the pastry in dad's hand?

  3. Real kids in the real world. Lovely.

  4. Beautiful post. Thanks.

    Greetings from London.

  5. We went to Kingston on Saturday, to watch tennis, and then Arnprior Sunday, to buy a couple of summer dresses for my client! (Isn't my JB a good hubby, too?)

  6. Nice being introduced to more of your family members, John.

  7. Wonderful stuff indeed.
