Friday, July 04, 2008

Give me a C ...

Every now and then, I like to prove that I can actually post something other than pictures of my grand one (see previous post). But pictures we have by the bucketful, so here are a few from the weekend.

The kids brought Nikki Dee by for a while on Sunday, and I tried to get her to march in honour of the upcoming Canada Day.

But her attention was easily diverted, so she put the flag down to attend to other chores.

How we got from walking with Grampa to being transported by Grampa, I'm not sure, but we're doing a special Canada Day cheer here. Give me a C ...


Woman in a Window said...

Belated Canada cheers! Such a cutie, she always is. Such a little shadow she casts to your larger one.

Lorna said...

If those pictures get any cuter, you'll have to enter a protection program to keep from getting cyber-mobbed.

Ginnie said...

Happy "C" Day to you and yours, AC. It is our 4th of July as I write this and I am visiting my daughter and hubby (the violinists) in NY state. Your pictures just get better and better...she's darling.

Donna said...

She Already has a fantastic personality! The pictures are Fun!! Happy day!hughugs

Amanda said...

I hope you all had a great Canada Day!
When we went to Canada last year i was looking forward to celebrating Canada Day, but we got caught up in the trouble at Glasgow airport! Just our luck!!
We flew out a few days later.
Love the pictures.

mreddie said...

Looked like you two were having a great time. My grands are still out of town for another week. ec

Janet said...

Walking with to being transported by is pretty standard practice at our house!