Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Bean or Daub?

Here we go again! It was just about two years ago that Thesha told us that Smudge was on the way. It had been a long process to get her in the oven, but it has been oh so worth it!

Then, just a few weeks ago, we were notified that Miracle #2 had occurred, this time almost spawned itself as it were. Once Smudge cleared the path, it was almost as though Bean was conceived without thought or effort. Ho hum.

Although we've known for some weeks, of course, we have been obliged to keep it quiet until the magical twelve-week checkup and ultrasound could be completed. And here is Bean's first photo. Cute, eh?

Seems to waving a hand at us. But do I also detect a sticking-out of the tongue?

Since the Smudge moniker has been taken, Bean seems to be the nickname for grand #2, although I am playing around with Daub as an alternative. We expect to hear Bean or Daub's first wail early in February.

Any thoughts on the nickname? Which do you prefer, or do you have any other suggestions?


  1. YIPPEEEE for you and Cuppa.
    And Smudge--she'll be a good big sister to whomever.

  2. Congratulations!!!
    Thats great news! I hope your daughter keeps well during her pregnancy. I like Bean :)

  3. I called a friend's baby 'frog', since it was the size of a frog when she told me about it. But of the two you had I prefer Bean!

  4. Congratulations..like the others Bean would be my choice

  5. How exciting! I like the artist theme, Smudge and Daub, but Bean does have a distinctive sound.

  6. Congrats! I'm with the others - partial to Bean.

  7. CONGRATULATIONS!!! And it's ...Miss Bean...hughugs

  8. You're going to have a busy, hectic household....what fun. And I, too, opt for "Bean". I don't even know what "Daub" means but it doesn't sound child-like to me.

  9. Oh! Thrills! Delight! I am SOOO happy for your family!

    A sibling to rival with!

  10. Anonymous11:47 pm

    I am so very happy for all of you. :-)

  11. Wow, Congratulations!!

    I like Bean. Or Smudge and Smidge :)

  12. What lovely news. Bean is a great name.

  13. I think that baby's rapping. That looks like a very jive hand up in the air. Just saying...

  14. Wow - I go on vacation for a week and look at all the excitement I missed :)

    I am so happy for you guys - it's going to be wonderful to have another little one around and I know Smudge will be a wonderful big sister.

    As for the names, I'm partial to "Bean" because Rachel's nickname while I was pregnant was "Lil Bean" (Natalie was "Lil Sprout")

    Congrats again - so happy for you & the family!

  15. Woo-hoo! I just got back from suffering in the rain in the mountains, and I see this news as I'm catching up on blog-reading. Congrats to you all.

  16. That is an excellent ultrasound photo. Most aren't that clear.
    I like Bean. But then we called ours Elroo and Junior. We didn't know the gender until their births, but I knew the whole time that Elroo was a girl and Junior was a boy. I only told the Mountain Man though.

    I've been away from the computer since Last Monday, so I'm trying to catch up today.

  17. Oh, my goodness!!

    I was away and am just now catching up with your posts!!

    Another little baby on the way!!! :):) Happy news!

    I like Bean...but it would probably end up being 'Beanie' with me!


