Friday, March 02, 2007

An ... er ... em ... Boy Toy

You may or may not recall my ... er ... em blog of several weeks past. Much of it had to do with driving out of town for medical exam of the ... er ... em area. That was just over two weeks ago, and today was the follow-up. You know what? Another storm — worse this time — bad enough to cancel the appointment. That's not all good either as I must still face it but have to wait on tenterhooks for more than a month from now this time. That's not exactly a quick fix doctor.

The good part was that I was able to not have to undergo a miserable exam on a miserable day. That's at least one too many miserables. Another good thing was that our neighbour let me use his little, electric snowblower. A boy toy! Yay!

Snow Blower


Turtle Guy said... blowing hot air, I would expect.

Nice toy.

Tossing Pebbles in the Stream said...

Real men use shovels:}

Did your mother never teach you to wear a hat in the cold weather? Brrrr!

Anonymous said...

Two bad about the canceled appointment. Sometimes the waiting for these things is the worst.

I heard about the storm that you received on the news.. sounds like a bad one. Hope all of your trees are left undamaged. The news story showed many toppled ones in TO.

PBS said...

This girl would like to have one of those toys!

dmmgmfm said...

Boys and their toys!

Neets said...

i hear the cold in those parts of the world is real difficult to deal with.
my team lead in is at our HQ in minneapolis right now and he is havign a tough time there. And we have had our bosses from the HQ come over here, the poor things are finding our 25 degree celcius warm... the comedy is, when they turn down the temp of the whole floor and the rest of us have to take refuge in thick jackets. Amazing is the world we live in - it never ceases to amaze me!

luna pie said...

Heeey neat! Here you are getting burried in snow, while I was enjoying a balmy 18C yesterday... ahhh! Hehehe, you jealous yet?


Cathy said...

We used our 'toy' once this year. It's a gas blower and it's stinky and noisy but still much better than ruining our old backs. That's a good neighbor you've got there.

Kathy Trejo said...

Hi Anvilcloud!

I bet you are looking forward to spring and summer.

Pam said...

Waiting is tough. I think a hint of spring would help.

karla said...

This made me chuckle. One of the first things out of Mark's mouth when we talked about moving to Ottawa was, "We totally need to get a snowblower!"

Dale said...

My word! How can you bear the cold without a hat? You must be tough as nails!