Wednesday, October 04, 2017

Go Figure

My goodness! It seems to always be something these days. Something that wakes me up long before the sun gets up. With one exception in the past 5 days or so, 5:30 is my latest rising. Today it was closer to 4AM.

It's always something. Almost always anyway, except for the one morning that I slept in until 6:30. (I can remember when 6:30 was early and not exactly considered to be sleeping in. Buy hey! It's good that I can remember that at this ripe old age. Eh?)

In passing, I recently mentioned a stomach ache. as the cause for waking early one unfortunate morning There have been other little things since then that have caused what I consider to be premature risings: always something different or so it seems and not necessarily always something that I feel compelled to share. And sometimes, I just wake up for no apparent reason. I mean, why wouldn't someone suddenly awake  after a lengthy 5 or 6 hours of sleep?

This morning, however, the cause was quite perplexing — pulsing pains in my ankle. I don't really mean pulsing but rather rhythmic or recurring maybe every 5 seconds or whatever the exact interval. (Hooray for spellcheck: rhythm and its variations being one of those words that I can never seem to be able to spell.)

So, I would get this ankle pain briefly. Was it 1 second at a time? Five seconds? I was trying to sleep, trying in vain to ignore it, so I can't really say. It would soon stop, but then it would soon also return.

The odd thing (and I do confess to being an odd thing), is that the pains were occurring in my good foot. My left foot, not my pathetic bad foot. Not the foot missing cartilage. Not the foot with bone chips. Not the foot that limps. No! The good foot.

Go figure.

And the very instant that I got up, the pains stopped. Why would that be, I wonder?

Go figure.

Not that I am not grateful that they ceased, because I am quite chuffed about that. But one wishes that perhaps they could have stopped sooner. Or not started at all. Yeah, that would have been good.


Marie Smith said...

Such are the golden years, AC. You could have written this post for me too.

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

Hope this was just a fleeting thing and that it doesn't become a habitual recurrence.

MARY G said...

Early waking is a major annoyance. When there is no reason for it. If I have to set the alarm, it wakes me out of a sound sleep and I could return to sleep except I need to get up. Any other morning, I. Ould be wide awake by the time the alarm is set for. Go figure?
Sorrynto hear about your ankle and really hope it is a one off.
Anyway, your pain is our gain because you write posts and take really nice photos when you can't sleep.

MARY G said...

I hate typing on the iPad. Please forgive errors.

Debbie said...

i always sleep until after 8 and i would love to get up early!! good luck with the ankle!!

Silver in AZ said...

well, hope it was a one-night/wee-dawn thang. Nothing else. If I had a dollar for every unexplained twinge or mini ache, I'd be in a nice hotel somewhere. LOL

Mara said...

Bodies are such strange things. They will pester at the weirdest times and when it would have been (slightly) okay, they act as if nothing's wrong!

Hope you get a better night sleep (without tummy aches, headaches, ankle aches or throbbings and whatever more that might be bothering) tonight.

Jenn Jilks said...

The aches and pains are quite something at our age!
I find doing anything for long drives me nuts. We had a few short swims, and it was aches.
At night, I often get up just to get the blood going, then try get back to bed.
We anxiously await the arrival of our Vancouver son, I've been worried about that. What, sleep? Me?