Thursday, November 28, 2024

Shapes and Serendipity

Every now and then, when there seems to be nothing else to photograph, I stick on my longest lens and head down to the trail looking for shapes. I must admit that this never works very well, but one tries. Here are two shapes with textures just off the trail. Make of them what you will.


I had hung my cane while taking the above photos, and it may be better than the others after applying a few filters. I don't know. Waddayathink?

But the best shot was pure serendipity. There are tons of squirrels along the trail, and they are always scurrying and fleeing. However, as I was taking the above pictures, this one just stopped and contemplated me. I had time to squeeze a shot before it decided that I wasn't worth the time of day. My quick shot was underexposed, but I like how a little bit of light caught him on the side in that very gloomy patch where we were were both pausing. (I hope that most you can see it, at least in enlarged format if you click on it.)

I hope that all you Americans have (or had) a good Thanksgiving.


  1. I like the one with the cane. It feels like there is a story there.
    The squirrel one is a good catch.

  2. Yes, love the squirrel. And the first 'shape' is fine art, truly. I used to go looking for that kind of thing. Now I go looking for my cane, an aid that I leave behind over and over. (I just found one at our local medical centre with the pick for ice still on it. Last March, maybe? The staff on the desk just laughed at me - they are accustomed to my Swiss cheese brain.
    I do like the first shot, the light and the shape and the angle you used.

  3. Old trees provide fascinating shapes and faces. The squirrel was really assessing you.

  4. Good shape sighting - nature provides us many views if we only look. Thanks for sharing.

  5. I like the first one best. I can't really see the squirrel which is probably the fault of my computer monitor.

  6. The moody rainy-day scenes are fabulous

  7. I certainly like the photo with the cane and the post. Two very different textures.

  8. That squirrel looks like he's packing a gun, ha. I'm glad he did not contemplate you for much longer.

  9. Nice squirrel. I used to look for "spirit of the tree" pictures. I think trees have spirits and occasionally they display that.

  10. Good gravy, man! I thought that last picture was a bear!

  11. Your photo of the squirrel looks fantastic when enlarged... and I really like the first photo too.
    Thank you very much.
    Viola sends you many greetings

  12. Gotta love those squirrels. That light was lucky! Happy Hostage Return day!

  13. Love the squirrel! The cane too.

  14. I like the first one but my eyes are not good enough to really appreciate the last one.

  15. The squirrel one is really moody! It is a perfect shot for that type of day.
    The first shot shows how trees really try so hard to grow no matter what. I love that bit of pine or tamarack leaf stuck in the broken bits.
    You did good on all of your shots.
    I go macro in November quite a bit as I love to see the little things too!

  16. I like all of your photos. The squirrel was a great catch.

  17. I think I may be going to spam.

  18. The second photo of the wood followed by the shot of your cane were a good comparison.

  19. It's getting tricky finding photo ops. Good job.
