Wednesday, March 08, 2023

A Photoshoot

Monday morning saw Sue and me involved in a rather unique photoshoot. As you might guess, it was connected with Sue's 365 photo group, but not officially.

One of the group members has asked her fellow Canadian photographers to help her out with a project. There are several parts to the project, but what we were doing Monday was taking pictures of Sue standing on the right side of a photo while pointing toward the left.

She was to do this because we live in Eastern Canada, so it will look like she is pointing west. Those in the west will be seen to be pointing east. Folks in Manitoba, the centre of the country, will point in both directions.

The photo was also to be representative of the town.

Sue chose the trail bridge to be her location. We could shoot looking up the river, which is a prominent Carleton Place feature, and also toward town hall.

Here ↓ are two photos with the river and town hall in the background, plus the historic Boulton Brown Mill, the other building on the left.

You may be wondering what is on Sue's head.

Well, it's a bit of whimsy borrowed from a lady in town and connects with what has become a logo of our town — a stag's head. A stag's head was used in much of the memorabilia associated with our recent 200th anniversary. Indeed, I have a pair of red and black tartan socks with a stag's head emblazoned at the top.

It comes from an account of an early mayor shooting a deer, but it was contested by a local native who claimed he needed the deer to feed his family. The story goes that a fair and friendly solution was arrived at, and so a deer head can now be seen to be emblematic of a spirit of friendly cooperation.

Our friend had one more deer hat ↑, but Sue also posed with a shawl that the same lady actually gave her for some reason.

We also did some photos without the headpiece.

I think Sue plans to use the above photo for the project, but personally, this next and last photo was my favourite of the shoot. It's essentially the same as the above photo but focuses more closely on my lovely lady.

We were lucky, for temperatures soared to 3C/37F. It was positively, Canadian balmy.

Addendum: As an afterthought, I did an Antler Collage. I flipped the top photo for balance, even though it reverses the buildings.


  1. Lovely to see your lady in such interesting headgear and agreed on your choice of the last photo as the best one. Closeups are also a personal favorite of mine.

  2. Great series, AC. A great combination of the community, location and Sue. It got me thinking of what would represent our community if I did the same.

  3. I wonder what view I'd choose to represent my town. Yours is a good choice.

  4. Same here...thinking of my community and a view that represents it. But first, Sue looks so lovely...except for the strange headgear. I would therefore go for one of the non-antlered shots. It may have meaning to youall, but is just too strange for me. Ha, something too strange for me finally happened!

  5. Love the antlers in the first photo. And this is a really fun idea!

  6. Interesting photo shoot. But me? I'm admiring that beautiful fur-lined coat!

  7. That's a cool project! I can't decide on my favorite photo; they're all excellent!!

  8. I like the one Sue chose, as well as your closeup one, too. And I'm really not fond of the antler look. :-)

  9. Nice choices! I like the one with the hood up, as it is really still cold!

  10. The one without the head piece looks better.

  11. I like the one that Sue chose for the photo, as the river is so beautiful.

  12. I like the one that Sue chose. And I really love that coat which you have shown before in another shot for the project.

  13. You took the shots beautifully. Love how you choose the backgrounds.

  14. You participate in some fun activities with your camera.

  15. Laughed out loud at 'Canadian Balmy'. I get it though. You folks sure have a lot more snow than we do.

    Keep it.

  16. Oh, how wonderful... such a photo shoot is really fun, especially - if you do it yourself. Beautiful photos. congratulations I enjoy looking at them.
