Monday, July 04, 2016

Last Day Photos

The kids had one more day of school after the graduation assembly. I usually mark the first and last school days with a few photos, so here we go.

Not to ignore the boy, but Danica is always ready and off first, so she got some solo shots before JJ came out.

Eventually, Jonathan did join us.

At the bus stop across the street.

After school: getting off the bus for the last time until September.


  1. The years go by so quickly and they are growing up. How fortunate you are to live nearby. You can enjoy all the stages and ages as your sweeties grow to independence.

    The school related photos are a great way to mark the years.

  2. They did look happy and hopefully the first day back photos will be joyous as well.

  3. Lovely shots! They are so fun. And grow so fast...
